Chapter 13

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Lucious POV

Why is there so much to do, it is pure chaos in the pack as the celebrations last minute preps are done, this afternoon the royals will come to the pack and walk around the centre and greet their people for the first time in fourteen years. They will then go into the halls and our singer from the Golden Rise Pack is meant to sing some old songs to entertain the pack and the royals, followed by a meal and a party as such in the evening.

That was how today was meant to be but we have just had word that the singer has been in a mating fight, which rarely happens as we do not fight over our chosen, we are given a true mate and we should not fight over them. But some wolves want what they can not have, this makes me think of Rebe, thank the goddess she has stayed off and away from me since our confrontation.

I was hoping I could talk Qwennie into getting up and singing, she has a good voice. But that's hoping she comes back in time, we have a new system that can get the background music all she would need to do is sing.someone brought it from the human world as it looked fun, never used though. Just as I got to my front door to my house, I needed to get away from this chous for five minutes when I saw Elijah at the door waiting.

"I knew you would run away eventually!" Eli Laughs at me. "Party planning is hard work."

"Yea well, I thought we had everything sorted between you and me. But it seems if it can go wrong it will!" I groaned at him and rubbed my chin in stress, feeling the stubble I think about a shave but think fuck it " now the singers not coming, seems her chosen got into a mate fight with anouther male over the rights to mate her!"

"What the fucking hell?" Eli swore loudly. "That's absurd I thought no one did that anymore!"

"It's a silly tradition really but eh!" I sigh as I sat at my kitchen table, my house is a 5 bed stand alone house. I have made it so my mate could come home with me right away when I find her!.

"It's a tradition I am trying to abolish, but it's a lot of paperwork to change something so embedded and old." Eli told me straight. "And hardly no one actrully does this anymore, what's so special about the bitch that a male wants her over his future chosen?"

"Her voice and her looks I guess, she has meant to have the voice of an angel and the body of an aphrodite!" I answered, I ignored him calling the female a bitch, in his mind he is just saying female, some old words die hard in the upper class, I myself do not use such a term as my mum hated it and would clap my dad around the head if he uttered it within her hearing so I learnt not to use it in fear of her clap.

"Well did her chosen loose then?" Eli asked me.

"No he won, but it was a hard battle. From what I understand from the message the challenger would not submit and it was to the death, the true chosen is not in good shape even if he won!" I tell him with sorrow in my voice. "So she is staying with him, in fear he succumbs to his injuries!"

"Understandable, the poor bitch" Eli says, showing empathy. Rare for him since we lost her that day. "So who will sing in her place?"

"I am waiting on Qwennie to come back, hopefully in time and I hope she will." I answer as I pull an apple out of the fruit bowl my mum keeps stocked for me, it's not like I can not do that myself she just likes doing it for me. "She messaged me two days back that she will be back today and will bring the wolf she found with her"

"So she got through to him?" Eli asks as he too Picks an apple and chomps into it.

"Yea seems they took the news well if they came back with her,could be a girl!" I tell him as I eat my apple.

"A bitch would not survive alone out there, it would be a male!" Eli determines to himself, I choose to ignore him as it's just the way he is, one day when he finds his chosen he will be taught the truth of the strength of a female.

"Yes well either way we will have to determine how they got out there alone and not know about themselves!" I tell Eli as I finish my apple and leave the ore on the side. " now I need to go check that the food and drink is being set up and done ready for tonight, see you at the halls for the music?"

"You are right. Hopefully they are rational about it all" Eli says as he eats the apple core too, he is a weird eater. " goodluck, see ya later"

As both leave my house I look to the sky and am glad it's clear and blue but I worry as I look at the distance and see grey clouds forming. With a prayer that it does not rain or storm today I trudge towards the kitchen and again think that Qwennie should have been here doing all this not me.

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