Chapter 26

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I am back, I came back. The moment I saw Luc I had to run to him, my heart hurt at the sadness I saw in his face and eyes, I do not know where the name "Lucy" came from but I find I like it, just hope he does not mind.

Looking around from my place in his arms, I see my birth family watching Drea have tears in her eyes and both men beside her are smiling.

"I am so sorry I left for so long, I was so lost in my mind!" I told them all.

"It's okay, my little buttercup!" Ebba told me as he went to come closer, but paused when Luc growled at him. Looking up into his eyes, I see his eyes are darker than before, almost black and he is holding me tighter.

"Lucy" I say softly, hugging him, but he did not look at me and kept on growling at Ebba and Eli who both seem to want to get closer. "Lucy, I am here, I am not going anywhere."

I tell him softly, not moving in his arms but his arms get tighter with the words I tell him, the growls have gone into a continued like growl. Vibrating from his chest and his eyes watching my birth family in mistrust. Looking at my family they have gone silent and taken a step back.

"His wolf is in control baby sis, he is scared we will take you from him again!" Eli tells me softly, not really looking our way now.

"But you did not take me last time!" I tell him as I get confused.

"No, but you were with us when you left, he sees that as we helped you leave him!" Ebba answered my confusion.

"But I did not leave you all, I needed to see my family!" I tell them all, looking up I see Luc is now looking down at me and his eyes shine with a feeling I do not know, but I think it is - adoration.

"His wolf does not understand that, he doesn't want to lose you again. He will want to be close to you from now on, and be possessive of your time!" Eli tells me.

"Lucy?" I say to him. "I am not going anywhere, I came back to you and my family!"

"Mine, must not let you disappear again. Hurt too much!" Luc tells me, his speech somewhat broken. "Family took you, not let happen again."

"Lucy, I came back to you and I will not leave again. Not without telling you. But I want to get to know my mum, dad and brother, you need to let me go to be close to them too!" I tell him, lifting my hand I run it over his rough cheek and lay my head on his hard chest, hearing his heartbeat soften under my ear. "Let me go and I will come back."

Softly Luc lets me go and I see his eyes lighten back to their dark brown. He looks down at me and smiles, going on instinct I lean up and kiss his jaw softly as it was as far as I could reach.

"Yo-you called me mum!" Drea whispers.

Looking over I see my mum, dad and brother all looking at me now, all with happy smiles on their face.

"You are my mum, as you are my dad!" I say clearly as I look at my mum and dad, a tear going down my cheek. Looking at my brother. " as you are my big brother!"

With this statement I find myself encircled in a tight family hug, everyone crying happy tears, well everyone but Eli.

We all sit in the sofas like we had before, with me sandwiched between my mum and dad, neither wanting to let me go. They all seem to be calming, even Luc has but he did growl at not being able to sit with me.

"What happened to change your mind?" Eli asked straight forward.

"My other parents and best friend. My friend Raina told me more about Mates and chosen ones, which made me see and understand what I was feeling with Luc more.!" I told him. " and my parents explained just because I have found you, it does not mean I would lose them. You are all my family and I hope to be able to see and contact my family from here onwards?"

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