Chapter 9

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It was dark and quite late so we decided to meet the next day, otherwise my parents would worry as I never really stayed out late before and now would not be the best time to change my routine. I have been thinking deep on if i should tell my parents about what went on tonight and how I have found a connection to my life before they found me, but I love my parents and do not want them to worry or think I was going to replace them if I found my birth parents. I used to feel maybe my birth parents were the ones that threw me away, as I thought what kind of parents did not go looking for their child? But by the way Qwen reacted I was loved and maybe they did not mean to lose me. These are the questions I have but the biggest is how many like me are out there and if there are vampires in the world, what else is real from myth.

I was so lost in my own mind I did not see the light on in the front room as I entered the house, I was still lost in thought when I heard my dad say something I nearly jumped out of my skin. It's hard to surprise me with my hearing but I must have really been lost in my head.

"Hi Snickerdoodle, how was your night?" He was sitting in his ugly armchair mother hated, but because she loved him he got to keep it, it was a puke green chair with yellow what I assume is meant to be flowers over it but looks like disfigured yellow splodges.

"It was eventful, I sang a couple of songs!" I decided there and then I would not say anything until I knew more, no reason to worry them over nothing.

"That's good, did you meet your new friends you made today?" Dad asked as he sat straighter and yawned.

"Yea they came along, they are great people. I feel like I've known one of them forever!" I allbut rambled off, with a smile on my face.

"That's great to hear, you never did make many friends except that Raina girl and she, well we are glad you made more connections!" Dad never really liked Raina but for me to have a friend he kept quiet but I could see that he was wary of her. "You at work tomorrow morning are you not?"

"Fuck!" I swore without thinking.

"Lalita, Language. Your mother would have both our heads if she heard you swear like that in the house, for some reason she thinks you got it from me. Shit!" my dad reprimanded me, until he swore too.

"Sorry dad, I do not know where she got that thought from!" I hugged him laughing at our antics, I was and still am a daddy's girl and I learnt everything from my dad, especially my potty mouth.

"Ha ha , off to bed, best get some sleep before work!" he kissed my forehead and ushered me off to my room.

"Good night dad, love you!" I said as I kissed his cheek.

Changing into my PJs I set my alarm and see I have 5 hours sleep before I have to get ready for my shift at work in the morning.

Waking to my alarm, I inwardly groan but get up anyway. After my morning routine is done I brush out my hair and decide to plait it into two long plaits down my back and tie them together into a pony for work. Dressing in my uniform quickly I also grab some jean shorts and a strappy top for later, there's nothing worse than going out after work in uniform. Luckily I was meant to meet Qwen and the others at my work today at 11am, hoping they will wait for me as I finish at 12 today.

Walking into the pizzeria I see it's just me, Liam and Andy which means Raina is probably late again, she always is in the morning. I am surprised she still has a job at the amount of times she has been late.

"Good morning sunshine, ready for a nice busy morning?" Andy asks as I put my apron on. "Where's that idiot that hangs around you at?"

"Morning bossman, you mean a slow boring morning to get ready for the hectic afternoon off I have?" I joke back to him, making him smile at our usual saturday morning banter. "Sleeping beauty probably slept through her alarm."

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