Chapter 7

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Lucious POV

Being a Pack Alpha I'm kept quite busy, not saying I don't get my down

times but my first priority is the safety of my pack, we are the royal pack and with that we have responsibility to hold ourselves to the highest standards. I am twentyone and have yet found my mate, my chosen one and I really want to find her and show her love and get the love back.

The whole wolf population are just now coming back into the light and we are grateful that it's finally happening, no one will ever forget that horrible day that took the princess from us, or me to forget that it took my fun and carefree friend, he turned cold from that day and only recently he has started to mellow and show emotion.

I remember Princess Amalthea, she and my baby sister used to follow us around bugging us and wanting to join in all the games we played. We used to try to ditch them as much as we could but it usually did not work, I never told Eli but I kind of never minded them, or more to it I liked Amalthea she was a cute little one with her big blue/green eyes and flowy white hair. I would not let anyone know how much losing her hurt and I most definitely did not bring her up unless I had to at anypoint, I get a deep ache if I thought about her still, weird.

We were getting ready for her birthday celebration so she was always on my mind and the ache was there constantly, but after Eli saying that he and the royal King and Queen are coming for the first time, I have to make it perfect.

And now with those weird questions from my sister, Iam worried about her out there. Thinking I can not stress my parents with my worry I decided to go see Eli, he always knew what to do. As I walk through the quad towards the forest

That leads to the royal premise I hear a soft but annoying voice calling me, with a harsh sigh and see Reba running towards me in her silly heels she seems to always wear, why torture your own feet? This girl can not get the hint that we were not mates and never will be. I have never given her reason to think so, I have not given any female that idea. Yes i was a male but i was in control of my hormones and stayed true to my mate, the only person near my body was me myself and I. I will stay true to my chosen.

"Baby, where you going without me?" Reba all but purred at me in her soft voice, looking at me in adoration.

"Do not call me that, only my Chosen can give me a pet name Reba!" I have decided I need to be more stern on her, she needs to give this up.

"But Baby I am your chosen! Can you not feel our love?" She asks as she reaches and runs her red manicured hand over my arm, what kind of wolf manicures their nails! "We need to finish the mating process so I can be your Lupa Baby!"

"Oh for lords fucking sake, I have had it Reba. We are not now nor ever will be mates, we will never mate and you will never be Lupa!" I all but shout in her face as I push her hand off my arm, there are tears brimming in her eyes and I feel bad about that but she needs to learn her place now. I have tried everything else up to now "you need to go find your mate and chosen one, you know you have a true one out there.This is an Alpha demand, you will keep your distance from me now onwards!"

Tears are running down her face but even Ican see her eyes are not red and they are crocodile tears trying to get me to fold and say sorry, but I will not bend this time. Seeing my resolve Reba hufts and toddles off away from me as fast as those silly shoes will let her.

With a sigh I look around at the people in my pack that saw our confrontation, I see a mix of pride and about time looks in all their faces and find I should have done that a long time ago.

Walking into Eli's office I see him looking at a little picture he has framed on his desk of Amalthea, I try to be quiet but him being High Alpha his senses are very good.

"Hey Luc, what's going on?" Eli asks as he looks up. It's like he can feel what I feel sometimes.

"Which first Reba or My Sister?"I ask as I lean on the window sill behind him, looking out at the Hills where we lost her.

"Hm Let's start with the easy one, Reba?!" Eli chuckles "do you need me to step in at last?"

"Nope I got it as I said I would!" I answered, Eli had offered to go all future queen on her and scare her off me, but I refused. I can handle one little girl "I lost it finally today and told her point blank she is not nor will ever be Lupa and my mate. Also used the Alpha command to keep her away from me in the future, I just hope she listens!"

"At last, you needed to do that months ago!" Eli all but scolded me.

"Well I think my pack feels the same way by the looks I got from them after the confrontation!" I mumbled, feeling my pride dented.

"You did it in public! Wow" Eli shakes his head at me. " and your sister?"

"She sent a weird message, about finding a wolf out in the human world, one that did not know how to scent or even know that Qwennie was a wolf!" I explained as Eli turned fully to face me. "Wanted to know how to teach one to scent etc"

"Is she safe?"Eli asked in a serious manner now, all joking gone. Ever since Amalthea died he has been protective of Qwen.

"She says she is and not to worry, but I can't help but worry about her!" I answered " she my baby sister, she's only eighteen years old"

"And as stubborn as a mule!" Eli points out."if we go running to her or send someone she will be pissed!"

"You are right, but-!" I try to go on.

"No buts, she says she's safe. Is she coming back for the celebration?" Eli asks.

"She says she will try!" I grumbled out, I was hoping he would send some scouts out with some of mine to find her.

"Well if she does not come back for it, we will send some scouts out then. Okay?" Eli says with a that's done tone of voice.

"Fuck it!" I swear out "okay, well I'm off!"

"Where do you think you are off to?" Eli asks as he turns to his desk again

"Er Home for a brew?" I ask in uncertainty.

"You are here now, we can go over the celebration more!" Eli says as he gets his folder out and spreads them on the desk "we are going to make this perfect for my parents!"

"Damn, ok!" I grumbled as I pulled but a chair "was looking forward to that brew"

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