Miller's Sunday Service

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Selena attended the Miller's church service at their mansion. She stood in the back leaning against the corner. All eyes turned to her when Master P asked if she would like to speak on the police brutality and racism in the world. She stood from off the wall as she thought of the right words to say. "It's a very sad world to live in. Racism hasn't gone away. It's been living for over 400 years. It's just being filmed now. Imagine if we didn't have cell phones, how many officers and hateful people would get away with murder? Even thought they get away with murder even when it's filmed... So my question is when will this end? Police brutality. Innocent black men and women being murdered because of the color of their skin. When will it end? I didn't know it is a crime to walk to a gas station to get skittles. Not knowing you won't make it home because you'll get gun down by a so called officer" Selena looked down as she felt tears build up enough to make her eyes blurry. "I didn't know it is a crime to go jogging in your own neighborhood. Minding your own business then get attacked and murdered by two racist white men who thought you were a threat but the real threat is them. I didn't know it was a crime to sleep in your own home, in your own bed then get murdered in your sleep. Shot a total of 8 times by officers who barged in without a warrant, without stating who they are.
Just start shooting... end the life of an innocent black woman. Claim they were at the wrong house but how do you make that as a mistake? Why aren't they held accountable? I didn't know it was a crime to beg for your dead mother while you're on the ground on your stomach in handcuffs. Feeling your breath start to slow down. Feeling terrified for your life while an officer's knee is pressed down onto your neck as you beg and beg for him to remove it so that you could breathe because you are starting to slowly fade away. I didn't know it was a crime to be black. I just didn't know..." Selena looked up at the faces staring at her as she started to cry. "Black is beautiful. Don't let no one try to tell you different. Your lives matter. They matter so much to me and should matter to everyone. All lives matter is just another racist term... if you have a problem with the term Black Lives Matter then you are a huge problem. Because until black lives matter, all lives can't matter. Sorry it took me long enough to speak out but I promise to do better. I promise to continue to use my platform to fight for black people lives, fight for people of color lives."

Romeo and many others were inspired. They were super impressed. He stood up and walked over to her giving her a passionate hug. "Thank you Selena for speaking. That was so powerful and inspiring." She had her arms wrapped around his neck as she squeezed it a little as the tears damped his shirt a bit. He pulled back to see her face before he wiped a tear. "I'd kiss you right now" he joked following with a chuckle. Everyone was interacting with each other at this time while Selena and Romeo were embraced. "Maybe you should because I just don't feel good right now. I'm just so sad..." he pulled completely back and held her hand as he led her out to the living room to the elevator. He hit the button and when the door opened they stepped on. He pressed the button to the top level and stood in front of the elevator door leaning against the wall next to her. "I'm sad too... I always wonder am I next? Is my brothers, cousins, father, and friends next? I'm scared Sel... it's hard to wrap my mind around the hate, the killings..." he mumbled. She looked over at him before he looked down at her. She saw a tear in his eye before she got off the wall and stood in front of him placing her hand against his cheek. She gently rubbed it as she slowly stared up into his brown eyes. "I wouldn't be able to cope with that. I can't lose you. That's one of my biggest fears is losing you." He stared into her eyes before slowly leaning down planting a kiss on her lips. She kissed him back feeling his arms wrap around her waist pulling her closer to him.

An hour later Selena was sitting on top of him with a smile on her face as they both were breathing hard. She leaned down and kissed him passionately feeling his arms hold her waist. She then laid next to him turning her naked body towards him tracing his bare chest. "What are you thinking about?" She continued to trace his chest. "I don't want you to think we made love only because we were both feeling so vulnerable with everything going on in the world. Selena I love you and I just want you to know that. I want you to know I don't want this to be the last time we do this. I want us to be able to do this with you as my girlfriend" he told her. A smile formed on her face. She was smiling so big before she gave him a nod. "I was thinking the same thing. I don't have sex just to be doing it. Yes we were in a vulnerable moment but I'm also feeling very vulnerable because I love you too Rome and the thought of you being next would break me in a way that I could never heal" she looked down before looking at him once again. "I've always loved you Percy Romeo Miller Jr. It's just the old me couldn't shoe it to you. Couldn't give you what you deserved. She was so broken but the new me can. We can do this. I don't have to ask you not to hurt me because I know you won't."

*To Be Continued*

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