God's Strongest Soldier

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Selena grabbed an extra glass for Romeo before sitting next to him. She began to pour him a glass of wine. "I know you're probably wondering why I've been so busy lately" he told her. "I haven't really been busy.. I was avoiding you and I'm sorry. It's hard but it's no excuse because you didn't choose for your life to take a huge turn. I must admit, I was jealous.. seeing you with Abel.. I was jealous. I was. I know it doesn't sound like me but it's how I felt. And it's selfish because all you remember last was being with him. I have to live with that. I just want you to be happy. If you're happy with him then I'm happy" he told her. "Thank you for apologizing for avoiding me because it hurt me. You have no idea how much I have been missing you Romeo. I don't want us to ignore each other like that. I need great people like you in my life. As for Abel... I'm sorry. I don't remember anything but I know you aren't lying when you say we were together before I lost my memory. I hate that I don't remember... I know for a fact that you made me so happy. I want to feel that love again..." she told him. Romeo couldn't hide his smile. "What are you trying to say?" Selena slowly held his hand as she stared in his eyes. "I'm saying show me what it's like to be your girlfriend" she smiled at him.

He smiled at her "listening to your album I see" he chuckled. "I'm digging it. I can't believe I created such a powerful album. Like it lives by its title "Rare" and I seem a lot more happy and strong. Like I'm not putting up with anymore bullshit" she told him. She turned the volume up as she replayed Vulnerable. "I feel like this is my favorite song on the album" he told her. "Mines too. It reminds me of you... it's like I'm speaking to you. Definitely relatable with my current situation" she told him before laying her head against his shoulder. "I'm willing to love you for the person you are right now" Selena looked up at him as he talked. "At the end of the day, you might not even gain your memory back. And it's okay because I accept you for who you are currently." They wanted to kiss each other so badly. It was the perfect time. They leaned in for it but his phone rung causing them to break contact. "It's my lawyer.. I should take this" he told her before standing up stepping outside to take the call.

Selena started grunting as her head began to hurt. She laid back and shut her eyes as she tried to ignore the pain. Eventually she fell asleep without hesitation. After the phone call Romeo FaceTimed Selena's mother. "That's wonderful news" Mandy said as Romeo spilled the news to her and Brian on FaceTime. "I just want more. He could be released in any minute. You know this happens all the time. I'm just so angry that Selena is in this position and she's frustrated. I just want to take her pain away..." Mandy couldn't help but to smile knowing how much he loves her daughter. "I know you do. We all do but they good thing is that she's alive. We could've lost her... but anyway you look exhausted. You should get some rest" she told him. He knew her mother was right. After getting off the phone he went back inside seeing Selena sleeping on the couch. He walked over and leaned down kissing her cheek softly which woke her up. "Sorry.. wasn't trying to wake you up" he said sincerely. "It's okay. My head hurts a little" she told him. "I'll get you a Benadryl" he went and grabbed it from her bathroom before coming back with 2 of them and a bottle of water. "Thanks..." she took them and followed it with water. "I got good news. The 3 officers are fired and the one who attacked you is in custody right now." Selena has a great heart. Even when people do her wrong and hurt her she still manage to want the best for them. "I don't think that's a great thing" she told him. "Huh? What do you mean? They got what they deserve. You could be dead right now and they racially profiled me" Romeo told her a little frustrated. "I just.. I guess I'm just used to forgiving people who do me wrong. I know that you're right..." she mumbled as she massaged her temples and closed her eyes tightly. "Let's lay down" he said before laying back with her on top of him. "I want this pain to end" she whispered. "It's so painful.. I could cry right now" she told him. He held her close to him "I wish I could take your pain away. I rather it be me instead of you" he told her. Selena began to cry. "God it hurts.." she said as Romeo rubbed her back. "I got you babe" Romeo continued to rub her back. "When will this end? It feels like a thousand of nails stabbing me in the head" she cried. "Tell me what I can do" Romeo rubbed her cheek as he felt her tears. "Just hold me" she cried. "Try to sleep it off baby girl. Hopefully when you wake up it'll be better."

"I'm broken.. I'm dealing with a brain injury and memory loss... how could you still be here Rome" she cried. "Because I love you. I told you I'm gonna be here no matter what. When you love someone you'll sacrifice anything for them. I'm gonna help you pull through this. God gives his strongest battles to his toughest soldiers." Selena looked up at him with him giving her a smile. Romeo wiped a tear from underneath her eye. "I don't feel tough" she mumbled. "You might not feel tough but believe me, you are. You have survived two nearly death experiences. You are a survivor baby girl."

"Don't do that. Don't say that. I don't think I could be strong enough to help you through such a difficult time like you are doing with me. I also don't think you would be complicated... you would go with the flow.. you wouldn't think twice about being with me" Romeo kissed her head before telling her "Selena you aren't complicated. You are dealing with memory loss which isn't your fault. You know I'm a patient man. And you know how much I love you. I love you no matter what the circumstance is."

Romeo's POV

Selena thinks she's complicated but she isn't

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Selena thinks she's complicated but she isn't. She didn't choose this lifestyle. This might be temporary and this might be permanent. Either way I'm going to love her no matter what. She fell asleep in my arms which is a great feeling. I eventually fell asleep myself. But hours later baby girl woke up in pain. I wish I knew what she was feeling. I wish it was me instead. It hurts to see her like this.

*****2 hours later *****

Selena's POV

I woke up with Romeo's arms still wrapped around me while I was laying on top of him

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I woke up with Romeo's arms still wrapped around me while I was laying on top of him. He makes me feel so protected. The way he speaks highly of me. I'm not used to this with anybody... I have to learn to live with it. I'm cool with living with this kind of love & support. Sometimes you need someone to remind you of your worth and Romeo certainly reminds me all the time.

"How is your head?" He asked her. "So much better. Thank you" she smiled as she listened to his heart beat through his shirt. "You know.. taking a shower the other day.. I never noticed the newer tattoos that I've gotten" she told him. "Well you have a tattoo with R on it" he told her. "Wait I do?! Where???" Romeo was messing with her. "It's on your left butt cheek" he tried not to laugh but failed. "Stop playing" she rolled her eyes playfully before laughing with him. "Not saying matching tattoos wouldn't be a bad idea in the future" she mentioned. "You would want matching tattoos? With me?" He was a little surprised because he didn't think she would want to do something like that. "Yes. Why not? I feel like that would be cute" she told him. "And you know what else would be cute? You making me breakfast" he chuckled before telling her "That I can do my love. So.... "Up you go" Romeo stood up and picked her up bridal style. "Rome!" She laughed "what are you doing?" She held onto him for more support. "I'm doing this the right way. You my love, you're getting breakfast in bed."

*To Be Continued*

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