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Selena haven't heard from Demi in a couple of days. As it was a day before Romlena's 5 year anniversary they had plans but they might not be able to make them. Selena tried calling her but no answer. "She's not answering" Selena told Romeo. "We don't need Demi to watch Rayne. I can have Inty watch her with no problem" he told her. Selena sighed as she titled her head to the side putting on earrings. "Let's focus on us tonight, it's our 5th anniversary" he said before kissing her. She was wondering if Demi took Max back... which she hope she didn't because she deserves better than someone who will cheat on her. Demi has been through a lot and all Selena wants is for her to be happy.

Romeo's POV

Today is mines and Sel's 5th anniversary and Lord I am truly blessed to have such a beautiful woman inside and out as my wife

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Today is mines and Sel's 5th anniversary and Lord I am truly blessed to have such a beautiful woman inside and out as my wife. Though it's our anniversary, I do feel a load of guilt for what happened with Demi. It makes me sick to my stomach to know that it happened... I don't know how long I can keep this from Selena but I know I can't be honest with her on our big day.

Romeo and Selena were on their way out when Demi walked in. "Hey guys" Romeo was pissed. He thought he can have a day of peace with his wife but Demi has to ruin it. "Demi, my God where have you been" Selena hugged her. Romeo clenched his teeth when he saw the smirk on Demi's face when she looked at him when she was hugging Selena. When they pulled away from the hug she told them happy anniversary. "My favorite couple" she said sarcastically. "Still want me to watch Rayne?" Selena looked back at her husband before looking at Demi. "I haven't heard from you in weeks so we asked Romeo's sister to watch her. She picked her up about an hour ago" Selena told her. "I'm sorry. I was just going through some things that I had to handle on my own. I have two big news. I found a new place and I'm pregnant" Romeo's eyes widened. "Oh my God, I'm so happy for you. Though it might be hard because Max and you aren't on good terms right now" she told him. "Yeah but it isn't Max's" Demi said which felt like a knife went through Romeo's chest. While they were talking all he can think about is how can a night that is suppose to be special, already start off horribly. He's the father? No only he cheated on Selena ( though he was drugged ) but he also got her pregnant. Selena will never forgive him for this. She will file for divorce and he will lose everything he has ever wanted with her. He felt sick to his stomach. "Baby you good?" Selena looked up at him who was in deep thought. "I am... I'm just ready to go.." he told her. "I should be going. You two enjoy yourselves" Demi hugged Selena and then Romeo who didn't hug her back.

Selena's POV

It was so good to see Demi and to know that she's okay

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It was so good to see Demi and to know that she's okay. I thought she was mad at me again over something... but she's pregnant?! And it's not Max's!! She has some explaining to do. I wanted to know who this man is but me and Romeo has plans. We started off the day getting matching tattoos. I got the date of when we got married 8.10.20 which is on my ring finger and he has the same on his. After getting matching tattoos we went and got ice cream and we just walked and talked about how in love we are and how grateful we created Rayne. Paparazzi were following us and snapping pictures of course but all eyes were on him. I paid them no mind because I want to have such an amazing time with my husband. I've been a lot calm towards them since I've dated Romeo actually. It feels good to be makeup free, I don't need to wear it around him to feel beautiful or to impress him because he loves my natural. Always has. Then it was time for dinner reservations at the nice guy. He rented the entire restaurant out which is so sweet!

"I can't believe we've been married for 5 years now. It feels like yesterday when we got married.. The best day of my life. How did I get so lucky" she smiled at him. "I think I'm the lucky one baby girl..." Romeo couldn't keep his mind off of what Demi said. The fact that him and Selena have been trying so hard for baby #2 and he gets her former best friend pregnant. Romeo placed a black box on the table and slid it towards her. "What's this?" She picked it up and opened the box seeing the 14 carat diamond rings. "Oh my..." she looked up at him who smiled. "Do you like them?" They were peridot because of the month of August during leo season when they got married. "I love them" she took her earrings out that she already had in and put the new ones in. "I have two presents for you" she told him. She took out tickets to Paris. "This is where we will be for your birthday" she saw the smile on his face. "Baby you didn't have to" he told her. "Of course I did. Now here's the other" she pulled out a pregnancy test which had his heart drop. "Wait you're pregnant?" She bit her lip and shrugged. "I don't know yet.. I haven't took it but I haven't had my monthly yet... I'm so late. So I just want to take this when we get home or tomorrow. Either way I'm so anxious as to know if I am. I hope I am because we've been trying so hard" she told him. "I say wait to take it tomorrow. I just want us to live in the moment" she smiled as she agreed with him.

After eating they slow danced to songs from their wedding day. Her head was rested against his chest while he had his hands on her lower back. "I'll do this all over again if I could. No couple is perfect, we have our moments where we get mad at one another but I love that we never go to bed mad at each others we fix our problems right then and there because tomorrow isn't promised. Like I said I'm the lucky one because you have handle my difficult times very well" he told her with her lifting her head up staring at him with a smile. "Our love is forever" he told her "Always has been, always will be" she told him before they both spoke together "forever and always" they both chuckled before kissing each other.

*To Be Continued*

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