Happily Ever After

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9 months later Romeo was having a meeting to discuss more product for his Moneyatti's when he received a phone call. "Excuse me" he answered. "Babe I'm a little busy right now—" he was cut off by Selena's mother Mandy giving him the news that she was in labor. "Wait, now?! Oh God" he rubbed his head. "Don't tell her to have the baby yet, I'm on the way" he ended the call before telling everyone he has to go. He rushed out of the building and the valet pulled up with his 2025 Mercedes Benz.

Romeo's POV

I was nervous!! I didn't want my wife to have our baby boy without me being there

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I was nervous!! I didn't want my wife to have our baby boy without me being there. My palms were sweaty while I was speeding but I wasn't doing much speeding due to rush hour. Why Lord?! Why does it have to be rush hour right now??? I felt a huge lump in my throat. I feel like I'm more nervous this time than I was when she gave birth to Rayne. And that's because of her recent miscarriage... I don't want any complications this time. I could only imagine how emotional she is right now. I need to be there but again... RUSH HOUR!!

"Will y'all come on?!" Romeo yelled out full of frustration. He rubbed the back of his head as he waited and waited. It felt like he was waiting forever. Traffic wasn't moving. His phone went off and it was his wife. He put her on speaker "Baby I'm sorry that I'm not there right now. Traffic is cra—" he heard a babies cry through the phone. "Baby he's here" a very emotional Selena told him through the speaker phone. "He's here..." she repeated. Romeo leaned his head against the steering wheel as he felt the tears fall. He was emotional as well. He wanted to be there. It hurt that he couldn't be there for the birth of their son. He sat back and nodded "I can't wait to see him" his voice cracked. "You'll get here when you get here. Don't be out there speeding my love" he couldn't stop the tears from falling. "Are you crying? Baby don't cry" she giggled through the phone. "I should be there.." he mumbled. "It's not your fault. He was stubborn, he wanted to come out right away. But you have all of your life to be there baby. You're already a great father to Rayne, you'll be a great father to Jalen."

Selena's POV

Hearing how emotional my husband was on the phone made my heart full

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Hearing how emotional my husband was on the phone made my heart full. He wants to be here and it's killing him but it's alright because he has the rest of his life to show Jalen how much he loves him. I just don't want him to rush to the point he gets in an accident. Of course I wanted him to be here but Jalen wanted out immediately.

Romeo rushed into the room seeing his wife holding Jalen in her arms with Rayne by her side. Mandy, Brian, and Gracie were there as well. Romeo rubbed his eyes before walking over. "I'm sorry I tried—" Selena cut him off "I love you" she looked at him with a smile. "I love you too" he smiled back. Selena wanted him to relax and not to beat himself about it. "Would you like to hold him?" Romeo nodded as she handed him over to his father. Selena held Rayne's hand while watching her husband with their son. She then looked at her daughter and kissed her hand. " I love you too. And just because you now have a little brother doesn't mean you're not important to us. We will always love you, and will always be grateful for you. You're our first born" a tear fell from Selena's eyes. "I want you to know that we will never put anyone above the other because you both mean the world to us" Rayne gave her mom a smile. "I know mom. You don't need to explain anything. I love you and dad, also my little brother Jalen" she leaned over and kissed her mom.

Later Rayne left with Selena's parents & sister so Romeo was laying next to his wife in the bed. "I'm so emotional right now. I feared something bad was gonna happen..." she looked up at him seeing the sadness in his eyes. She sat up and held his hand as she looked at him "We said a prayer before he came. I don't want you to believe I'm upset with you because you wasn't here to see him come out of me because I'm not. You are here now and that's all that matters. Baby, don't be so hard on yourself. I'm so damn in love with you. You're not only my husband but the father of my kids. You helped me create the greatest gifts ever" she gave him a smile. "Yeah but—" Romeo was ready to explain to her more about why he feels bad but she interrupted him "shut up and kiss me" her lips were pressed against his lips before she moved them when he leaned forward giving her a soft kiss. "Now what I was gonna say before I got interrupted by those sexy ass lips" she chuckled at him as he continued "I want more children" she raised her eyebrows causing him to laugh. "Sorry baby but since I didn't see Jalen being delivered we need to go for baby number 3" he couldn't keep a straight face because Selena had a shocking look on her face. "I need a little break. 9 months pregnant feels like forever. But it's definitely not a no, we can have 2 more if you want to I just need some time" she said before kissing him once again. "Trust and believe we will do it when you're ready. After all, it's your body my love."

Romeo and Selena went on and had 2 more babies back to back. She was pregnant with twins 5 months after having Jalen. It was a boy (Romeo Percy Miller Jr.) and Kamari Marie Miller. As for Demi, she did lie. She wasn't really pregnant and she did exactly what Selena told her to do and that was staying away from her family.

*The End*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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