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Selena woke up with the worst headache from drinking all of that tequila last night. She placed her hand against her head grunting. She slowly sat up feeling the whole room spin. She looked to the side and saw the medicine and water bottle on the nightstand with a note that said take me and drink me. She did not hesitate as she did what it said and then she laid back down closing her eyes tightly. Minutes later Romeo walked in holding a tray of breakfast. She opened her eyes and looked up at him before slowly sitting up. "You're awake just in time to eat" he sat the tray in her lap. "What are you doing here.... and why is my head pounding and everything is spinning....." she asked as she grabbed a piece of toast and took a bite out of it. "I couldn't sleep last night so I was driving around. I drove by and saw the lights were all on. So I decided to come inside. I found you with a bottle of tequila in your hands which was half way gone. You was very emotional as you kept asking me to fuck you like I did Demi..." Selena looked down. "I took the bottle from you and you got mad and slapped me. It's what I deserved... and I still feel that slap right now as you can see my cheek is red" he chuckled with her looking up seeing it. "But anyway I dumped it out and you started hitting me from behind so I turned around and grabbed you held onto you and you broke down. You were so emotional. So I pleasured you by eating you out..." he watched her eyes widen. "I know it's probably not the best thing to do but I just didn't know what to do. I felt so bad and wanted to make you feel good somewhat" he told her. "So you stayed the night..." she asked. "You wanted me to. I said sober you wouldn't want me here in the morning and you said drunk you does. I couldn't leave anyway.. not knowing if you would be okay or not because you drunk a lot. I wanted to at least make you breakfast and give you some medicine to make you feel better" he told her. "Thanks.." she mumbled. "Selena can we talk.." he asked her. She shook her head before finally saying out loud to him "I want you to sign the divorce papers" she told him as he sighed unevenly. "Sel... you don't want to do this. Please, we can move past this" he told her. "I'm done.. I am so done. I don't love you anymore. I hate you. You broke our vows. You have absolutely nothing to say to me. I want you gone."

While Selena was taking a shower Romeo was downstairs at the island table with the divorce papers placed in front of him. He thought about what she told him. She doesn't love him. She hates him. Those words hurt him so much but he knew she was just saying that to make him feel the pain that she was feeling. He didn't want to sign them but if this is what she wants then he has no choice. He stared at them as he thought about the amazing memories they've shared together. Is he really going to give up everything over something he didn't have control over. Selena walked in the kitchen "did you sign them yet?" Romeo was quiet for a few seconds before standing up facing her who was standing a few feet away. "Yeah" he lied seeing the pain in her eyes when he said that. "So this is it..." her voice cracked. "If a divorce is what you want I can't stop you. I can't force you to stay with me Selena if you don't want me anymore... if you don't love me..." her eyes shifted to the side not looking at him one bit. She was trying her hardest not to cry as she slowly bit her bottom lip. Romeo stepped to her and caressed her cheek seeing her eyes look up meeting his "I love you" he told her with a tear finally escaping her eyes. He wiped it with his thumb before slowly kissing her lips. He felt her lip quiver as she didn't kiss back. He pulled away seeing the look in her eyes. It was pain but he also saw love. He wanted to kiss her some more but he didn't want to force it on her. "I should get going, I'm sure Rayne is wondering where I'm at" he told her. This time he kissed her cheek before walking out. Seconds later she heard the door close.

Selena's POV

When he kissed me it took everything inside of me not to place my hand on the back of his head to deepen the kiss

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When he kissed me it took everything inside of me not to place my hand on the back of his head to deepen the kiss. I remember a bit about last night though it's like a blur. It's lonely here without my family..... Without hearing the sound of my daughters giggles from watching cartoons mostly Wizards because she somehow loves to watch my show from years ago and without hearing my husbands laugh. I saw the divorce papers on the table and it hurt to know that we're actually doing this. I'm sure a lot of people have been waiting for us to head downhill. I picked up the divorce papers and one of them fell on the floor. I kneeled down and grabbed it noticing he didn't sign them. It made me a little annoyed but also made me happy. I looked up from the paper seeing a wrapper on the ground. I picked it up and it was an Xanax wrapper. I couldn't believe it. It's true... she fucking drugged my husband. I immediately called her.

"Hi Selena—" Selena cut her off as she felt rage. "Don't you hi Selena me you fake ass bitch. You have some nerve you crazy psycho bitch. I should've known my husband wouldn't fuck you because he loves me and he's so loyal. You drugged him! I bet you're not even pregnant. You just wanted me to find out about an affair so that I could be as miserable as you are but I have news for you, we are not getting a divorce so the jokes are on you. Stay the hell away from me, my husband, and my daughter if you know what's best for you. Come near us again and I will fucking kill you!" She ended the call before slamming her phone down. Selena felt all types of emotions. To know that he was telling the truth about being drugged was a relive but it still hurts. She took so much anger out on him and said some hurtful things just to hurt him because she was hurt. Will they be able to fix this? She thought to herself how could Demi do this to her? Demi hates her that bad that she would do anything to hurt her. She wouldn't be surprised if Scooter, Justin, Hailey, all of them had something to do with this. But what she knew was she has to save her marriage.

*To Be Continued*

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