The Gas Station

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Romeo's POV

Selena and I were having the time of our lives

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Selena and I were having the time of our lives. Even when the world is a fucked up place right now. I decided to take her on a midnight stroll though she would normally be sleep by now but she managed to skip sleep to enjoy a night with me, her boyfriend. Yeah I said it, boyfriend.

"I can't believe I can't relate to my own song anymore, boyfriend" she laughed. "Well you could just sing 'I gotta boyfriend, no more hittin' dead ends'" she laughed with him. "Thank you for bringing some joy into my life. I love you Rome" she leaned against the arm rest giving him a soft kiss on the cheek. Romeo smiled when he felt her lips against his cheek. "Oh this is my song" she turned the volume up and started singing. "Hey my baby
Why you lookin' so down? Seems like you need a lovin' Baby you need a girl like me" Romeo glanced over at her with a smile while she sung the lyrics to Aaliyah's Care 4 U. Selena kept singing while Rome pulled into a gas station and parked at pump 8. He was about to get out but she grabbed his arm stopping him. "I want a kiss first" she giggled with him smiling as he leaned in kissing her.

Romeo was pumping gas he leaned in the car asking her if she would like anything from inside the station. She told him Reese's would be fine. She watched her man walk inside the gas station. She pulled out her phone to call her mom to tell her that she wasn't coming home and that she was spending the night with her new boyfriend. It went to voicemail so she decided to leave a message. "Hi mom. I figured you'd be sleep right now. Sorry that I'm now calling you. I know you get worried... a lot. Especially with everything going on in the world but I'm fine. I'm with my boyfriend" she giggled. "Yes I said boyfriend. I'm dating Percy Miller Jr. aka Romeo. You know? Master P's son. I'll spill the details to you when I come home tomorrow... well.. later on since it is basically tomorrow" she laughed before saying "I love you so much mom." Selena hung up and when she looked up she saw Romeo struggling before being taken down by 3 police officers. "What the fuck?!"

"I said don't move" the officer pressed Romeo's face down on the concrete. "What did I do?!" Romeo shouted. "I said don't move" one of the officers shouted as he drawn his gun causing Selena to gasp. "Bro what are you doing?" Romeo was nervous he didn't want to be the next black man in America dead. "You know what you did. You are a fucking coward but you're going down boy, you're going down" Romeo was clueless. "If I knew I wouldn't be asking you and you can put the gun down. Why do 3 of you need to take me down, huh? and that shit hurts man" he felt a knee press down on the back of his neck. "I'm not harmful or anything I just need answers" Romeo said calmly. "You like raping white women, huh? There's a place in hell for you boy."

"What?! I didn't rape nobody. Are you serious?!" Selena got out the car shaking a bit with her phone in her hand. "What is going on?" Selena was recording them. "You need to put that phone away and get back in the vehicle" one of the officers demanded. "No.. I want to know why do you have your gun drawn on my boyfriend. Whatever you think he did, he didn't do it. Romeo is one of the sweetest man I know with major class. He wouldn't harm anybody. Please just let him go." One of the officers stood up and started walking towards her. "If I have to tell you to stop recording and get back in the vehicle one more time" he threatened. "If I don't you're going to hurt me like you've done to many people of color in the past and present? I have every right to record this." The officer got angry. He slapped her phone from out of her hand with it crashing to the ground. He grabbed her as she tried to fight him off. "Get off of me" she shouted. "Selena! Man get your hands off of her" Romeo shouted. The officer swung her to the ground causing her to hit her head hard on the concrete. "Selena!!" He shouted once again seeing that she wasn't moving. They finally got Romeo in handcuffs before pulling him up. "Check my girlfriend! Someone check her she isn't fucking moving. I'm Romeo Miller and shes Selena Gomez. We are trying to enjoy our night and this is the shit we have to deal with." The officer who swung her picked up her phone which was ringing. He saw a picture of Selena and her mom. He froze when he realized who she was. "No.. no... no..." They realized it was mistaken identity. Romeo was released from the handcuffs and he got to Selena's side immediately. "Baby wake up" he held her head in his arms. We have to go sweetheart. Please say something" he felt tears build up in his eyes. "Don't you fucking stand there call an ambulance you fucking idiots you did this" he shouted at the officers. Romeo looked down at her seeing the gash on the side of her forehead. The gas station worker stepped outside asking if everything is alright. "Can you please call an ambulance. My girlfriend isn't breathing..." Romeo choked out. "And I'm going to need that tape to show what these crooked cops did."  While the gas station worker walked inside to call an ambulance Romeo leaned his head down into Selena's chest damping her shirt from his tears.

*To Be Continued*

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