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Shen Zhixian patted the pegasus and took the initiative to land first one meter away from the flower. He looked around.

The area was a deserted wilderness, with only these random flowers swaying in the wind.

It really did look like the flower on Madam's Meng's wrist.

Moon white petals, slightly pale at the bottom, partially opened and partially closed. At night, it seemed to blend with the moon.

It was just that...

Shen Zhixian sniffed at the strange scent in the air and frowned. "Why did it...smell like steamed buns?"

Yan Jin nodded and pulled out his sword.

Shen Zhixian took a few steps back, watching as Yan Jin swiped gently as the flowers with the scabbard of his sword. The moment he did this, the petals fell to the ground.

Nope. It was a steamed bun.

Shen Zhixian was stunned. His gaze switched between the petals on the floor and the steamed buns. He said in bemusement, "On the ground...how can there be steamed buns?"

Yan Jin suddenly moved toward the bolder not far away. Soon after, he forced a man out from behind the stone.

It was a bald-headed monk with slanted eyes. Forced by Yan Jin's sword, he hurriedly crawled out, yelling, "What are you doing? What are you doing?"

When he saw the steamed bun, he sighed in relief. Then, he pounced on it in distress. "My steamed buns! Didn't you see my flowers? Why did you destroy it?"

He plucked one of the remaining flower stems and a steamed bun dropped into his hand at once. He put it in his mouth, chewed, chewed, and swallowed.

Shen Zhixian asked, "Who are you?"

The bald monkey paused while he picked up another flower. After a moment, he smiled casually. "No name, no surname, just a bald monk."

Shen Zhixian glanced at his weathered forehead and asked noncommittally, "What are you doing here with the steamed buns?"

The bald monk shoved the last surviving steamed bun flower into his mouth, rubbed his hands, and said unconcernedly, "I like this flower. Tonight, the air is fresh and the moonlight is just right. Isn't it a wonderful sight when flowers bloom under the moon?"

Shen Zhixian glanced at Yan Jin, and Yan Jin thrusted his sword out slightly.

The sword immediately exuded a cold chill.

The bald monk wiped his face, swallowed the steamed bun in his mouth, and quickly said, "Actually, I did something wrong. This is my atonement to heaven. This flower is my offering to heaven..."

Shen Zhixian looked at this bald monk babbling nonsense and dragged out his voice, saying, "A'jin, beat him up."

Before Yan Jin could do anything, the bald monk jumped away, shouting loudly, "Ah! What are you doing?! Don't respect the elderly at all!"

He evaded Yan Jin, fleeing in all directions. But, every time he turned around, Yan Jin was in his path. A short time later, he couldn't stand it anymore. As he gasped for breath and stomped his feet, he helplessly said, "Okay, okay. Stop chasing me. I'll speak more..."

The bald monk sighed. "I really was just passing by. The atonement is true. This flower is my favorite flower..."

Shen Zhixian casually said, "This flower could only be seen in one place, right?"

The bald monk glanced at them suspiciously. "Do you recognize this flower? This is a flower outside the Undead City. Have you been to the Undead City?"

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