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The surrounding was a bit dim. Fatigue seemed to seep from deep within Shen Zhixian’s bones, leeching away all his energy. As soon as he opened his eyes, his eyelids kept wanting to drift close.

He looked around with painstaking attention, only to find that he was no longer in Fifth Peak and was instead in a strangely familiar room.

It was familiar because the room was arranged according to his preference, but it was also strange because he was certain that he’d never been to this room before.

Suddenly, a warm, wet touch came from his chest. Shen Zhixian was startled. He looked down, only to find Yan Jin holding him with one hand while gently and carefully cleaning his body with a towel.

His upper body was completely bare, making him feel very insecure. Every inch of skin was trembling. Shen Zhixian took a deep breath and wondered: What was Yan Jin doing? What kind of stimulation was this?

He wanted to ask, but hard as he tried, he only managed to make a weak sound. Yan Jin couldn’t hear him.

Shen Zhixian helplessly withstood the sensation of Yan Jin's gaze as it swept across his upper body, leaving behind a scorching hot trail and making him want to curl his toes in shame.

He had no strength to resist at all. At this moment, he seemed like a wandering soul attached to this body, unable to move and unable to make Yan Jin acknowledge him. He could only passively allow Yan Jin to wipe his body down.

Repeatedly, wiped back and forth three times.

The water had an unknown mixture that emitted the faint scent of medicine. Shen Zhixian felt as if he’d become a cooked shrimp, peeled and sliding across Yan Jin's hand. It made him want to curl back inward.

After wiping Shen Zhixian’s upper body, Yan Jin tossed the towel aside and began to repeatedly press and rub on several large acupoints on his body. Then, Yan Jin carefully channeled spiritual power into him, gently soothing and moistening his veins.

Shen Zhixian was kneaded comfortably by him, causing the fatigue in his bones to be slightly relieved by two points. Still, he could only squint helplessly at him.

Even as he was resisting his drowsiness, someone hesitantly said from outside the door, “Venerable Lord, there is someone…”

Shen Zhixian was shocked and tried to focus on the rest of the person’s sentence. But, before this sentence could be completed, Yan Jin interrupted, “I’m not meeting anyone.”

The person outside immediately murmured in acknowledgement. Shen Zhixian was a little curious. He looked up at Yan Jin, but Yan Jin didn’t seem to notice his gaze. Instead, Yan Jin placed a warm and slightly moist kiss on the corners of his eyes and lips. “Sui Xian, wake up soon and look at me, okay?”

His tone was too low, as if he was quietly begging. Shen Zhixian didn’t know what to do. His heart ached. He wanted to reach out and hug Yan Jin, but he couldn’t move. He could only hold Yan Jin in his heart. All the while, he couldn’t help but think that this dream was a little strange. When he returns from the dream and sees the real person, he must give Yan Jin a good hug.

Yan Jin embraced him and then continued to rub him for a while. He put Shen Zhixian’s shirt loosely back on him and eased him on to the bed. Then, he turned away, soaked the towel into the mixture, and walked back.

This time, Yan Jin extended his hand toward Shen Zhixian’s pants.

This movement was too ambiguous. By the time the ties on Shen Zhixian’s trousers were undone, he felt as if he was going to lose his head. He suddenly broke through the invisible restraint and grabbed Yan Jin’s hand. “Don’t—!”

“Don’t what?”

Yan Jin’s puzzled voice sounded in his ears. Shen Zhixian didn’t think and subconsciously finished the rest of his sentence. “Take off my pants…”

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly returned to his senses. His eyes flickered, and though the dimness remained, he realized that he’d returned to Fifth Peak. The hazy moonlight illuminated the person in front of him, making Shen Zhixian speechless. After a moment, he gently coughed and sat up straight.

However, Xiao Caoya suddenly emerged from Yan Jin's shoulder and jumped happily on to Shen Zhixian’s shoulder. One wondered what mysterious, heavy thing it ate. As it landed on an unprepared Shen Zhixian’s shoulder, the force of it made him fall back on the bed.

Shen Zhixian was holding on to Yan Jin’s hand so, as he fell back, he also ended up pulling Yan Jin along. For his part, Yan Jin could have maintained his position, but unexpectedly, he also fell down with Shen Zhixian. He landed halfway on Shen Zhixian’s body with his elbow resting by Shen Zhixian’s cheeks.

Shen Zhixian, “......”

Xiao Caoya didn’t know what it did and focused on jumping on their shoulders. After a while, it realized that they weren’t paying any attention at all and it jumped angrily away. Pouting, it rushed inside Shen Zhixian’s house, leaving the two people facing each other outside.

“Um… Let’s sit up first and talk?”

Yan Jin thoughtfully said, “Who wanted to take off your pants?"

There were billowing waves in his eyes, and the gleam of lights within those depths were faintly cold.

Shen Zhixian didn’t want to talk about it and changed the topic, “A’jin, are you in my dream or is this real?”

Yan Jin didn't answer, but his dark eyes clung to him.

Shen Zhixian couldn't stand his eyes. He sighed helplessly and said, “I just had a dream, probably a dream…”

Shen Zhixian described the dream and, as he talked, he suddenly noticed that Yan Jin’s expression had frozen. An odd thought flashed across his mind and he frowned. “A’jin, tell me honestly. What’s going on here? Was that really a dream?”

Last night, he was in a bad mood. He’d clung to Yan Jin and hadn’t thought so much about anything else. Today, he was much calmer and could think more about other things.

He was now certain that he hadn’t transmigrated into a book. He was actually the original Shen Zhixian in this world. After his body was seized, he’d somehow ended up in the so-called modern world...But there was still something missing.

And his rebirth...

He looked up at Yan Jin and said firmly, “A’jin, you have memories of the last life, haven’t you?"

Yan Jin's lips trembled, and he seemed to have difficulty opening his mouth.

Shen Zhixian felt as if he was on the verge of discovering the truth. Anxious, he pushed Yan Jin aside and pressed him underneath, quickly asking, “We knew each other a long time ago. It was only later that my body was seized ... You knew my body was seized, didn’t you?”

“The last life—let’s call it the last life, what did you do after I died to make time go back?”

“Where are you now? Is this a dream or is this real?”

Yan Jin's expressions became heavier and heavier. His red eyes displayed regret and pain. His throat moved and he said hoarsely, “Sui Xian… I…”

Every word he’d managed to force out seemed to be full of pain. He said, “I’m sorry…”

Shen Zhixian let out a breath, lowered his head and pressed his forehead intimately against Yan’ Jin’s. Their breathing became intertwined and, when he spoke softly, his lips were a mere breath away from grazing against Yan Jin’s lips.

“I don’t blame you, A’jin. I really don’t blame you… I just want to know what’s going on. Can you tell me?”

His voice was very gentle, just like the tone he’d used on Little Yan Jin many years ago when he couldn’t sleep. In his eyes, there was only gentleness and forgiveness.

Yan Jin blinked slowly and finally seemed to make a decision. His voice was hoarse as he said, “In the last life... After I..."

Xixi: Once again, this chapter is only 3 pages long so I went ahead and finished the next half chapter as well. Enjoy!

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