Chapter 8: What went down afterwards

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Foxy P.O.V.

It was quite a while later when Mike had to go home and Cassidy had fixed Freddy, albeit the fact that she had to put him in lockdown mode for several hours. She wasn't too happy about that.

I laid down in my bed, since it was 8 in the evening and I was exhausted from what Mike and I had done earlier, plus all that we'd gone through the night before. I figured that since the place was closed and Mike wouldn't be back until four hours later, I should get some sleep, since I planned to hang out with Mike and the others all night. I rolled over and fell asleep, only to have the worst nightmare of my life.:

The date was November 10th, 1987. I sat in the back of Pirate's Cove, waiting to see if my favorite customer was here. Lo and behold, he came skittering up to the stage of the Cove in a rush:
"Hey, Mikey." I stood up and greeted him with our normal hug. As a kid, Mike had loved to come back to the cove and visit me while I was still inside my animatronic suit (which, come to think of it, is probably in the back closet somewhere...). I don't think he knew about the human android/endoskeleton versions of the suits, and if he did he said nothing about it.
"Hey, Foxy!" His childish smile and wide cerulean blue eyes glimmered with affection. "Guess what? Last Saturday was my birthday!"
"Really?" I smiled and pat him on the head. "You know, Mike, ye really know how to warm a pirate's heart. I like having ye around."
Mike gasped a bit. "Really?" He asked in wonder. "Y-you do? Wow... I thought nobody felt that way about me." He grinned and hugged me. Since he was only so tall, though, he could only reach the area around my waist, and that was where he had hugged me. I still remember how warm he was and how much I enjoyed having him close to me. Not in a perverse way, of course. Why would I even....
"h-hey, Mike..." I stuttered. All of a sudden, my systems stared to freeze up. "Do me a favor and-"
The last thing I remember before waking up, covered in sweat, was the blood from Mike's forehead soaking my jaw and the sounds of angry parents all around me...

"Foxy! FOXY!!"
"GAH!" I shot up in my bed and checked the clock. Holy shit. 1:30, I'd overslept.
"Oh, no." I muttered as I stumbled out of bed. "I hope Mike's not upset that I'm not at the guard room." I stumbled over to get some clean clothing on, when I heard Mike's voice respond, "Don't worry, I'm not."
"JESUS!" I tripped on something and fell on my tail. Literally. I swear I heard something crack underneath me.
"Ohhh, Foxy!" Mike had apparently made his way into my room, I guess to check on me or some shit like that, and saw me having that God-awful nightmare of mine and woke me up just in time. "Are you OK?!"
"I'm fine, Mikey..." The guard helped me up.
"You look like you just had a horrible dream." Mike showed massive amounts of concern for me tonight. I wondered why. "What happened?"
I teared up a bit. "Sit down." I motioned towards my bed. He sat down and I sat next to him.
"This is how it went down..." I then proceeded to summarize my nightmare, with Mike listening the whole way. At the end, though, the weight of it all was too painful.
"I-I'm sorry, Mike, that I did that to you... I really am..." I broke down crying right then and there. Mike slid his arms around my shoulders.
"Don't cry, Foxy. It's okay, buddy, it's okay..." Mike held me in his arms the whole time I cried.
"Mike..." I lifted my head after some time and wiped some tears from my eyes. "Promise me something."
"Anything." He smiled his sweet humanly smile down at me.
"Promise you'll never leave me." I hugged him.
"I promise." Mike hugged me back. My heart suddenly felt different. It felt complete. Now that I knew that I had someone I could love forever, even if he was 100% human, I felt more happy and more complete than I had in years.
"I love you, Mike..." I quietly tightened my grip on my human lover.
"I love you too, Foxy..." He smiled and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled warmly. This was definitely someone I wanted to hold on to forever, or at least as long as we both lived....

FNAF Foxy x Mike story I made out of bordeomWhere stories live. Discover now