Chapter 27: Skipping Through the Months

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Foxy P.O.V.
Not much went down after that. Mike's pain would get so bad some days, he'd be stuck in bed or on the couch and the only way we could ring in any cash was me walking my lazy ass to work, speaking of which, Cassidy raised Mike's pay to help with the surgery he'd need to get the baby out. Chica would be asking three billion questions each night about the baby, half of which I would answer with "I don't know" or "This is the (insert number here) time you've asked me that. I don't fricking know, ok?!". Sometimes I'd tell Mike about this and we'd both laugh.
Emily seemed to be getting used to being around Mike more often. In fact, she might be able to communicate with him... I don't really know. I've asked her about it more than once, and all she says is that he's "improving". Improving. Improving how?
When Mike was 2 months pregnant, we found out we'd be having a girl. Chica screamed like Pinkie Pie when she found this out.
"A girl, huh?" Freddy was a lot more calm than Chica. "Do you two know what you're gonna name her?"
"No idea." I replied honestly. "Mike and I are still coming up with names."
"Want any suggestions from us?" Bonnie offered. "Chica, calm down!"
"That would actually be great." I thanked him. The four of us swapped name ideas until my shift was up. We came up with Rachel, Amie, Clara, Mindy, and Sheila. Mike thought some of them were great ideas, but the two of us agreed none of them would work. Fortunately, we had quite a bit of time to think of more names. Mike would spend his time either hanging out with Emily, looking up girl names in the Internet or in books, or contemplating what we'd do with the money we had. I, on the other hand, was the one in charge of making sure nobody got hurt and/or killed and doing the work to support the three of us. I guess that's what I get for screwing him so hard: Being screwed over myself.
About eight months into all this mess, the bump that showed Mike was to conceive a child was obvious. No way Mike could go out in public like that. Well, not unless he went to Freddy's for his night shift job, anyway. He was actually able to come with me one night and we drove there quietly, not wanting to attract any attention. When we got there, the place was pitch-dark. Cassidy herself wasn't even there.
"Be very quiet." Mike parked the car some distance away from the building itself, in case Chica or one of the others was stalking us from the window. "Can't attract any attention from the others or the public." Mike understood and followed me into the building.
"Stay here." I motioned for him to stay in the office. I made my way down to the stage and motioned to the others, who were waiting for the cameras to move. That was my signal to let them know I was there.
"psst, guys." I motioned quietly for them to follow me. "Come with me, and be quiet. I've got a surprise for you." Everyone quietly followed behind me.
"OK, guys..." I quietly moved out of the doorway of the guard room when we made it. "Guess who came to visit you?"
"MIKEYYYY!" Chica bounced up and down like a hyper animal.
"In the flesh." Mike grinned proudly.
"Hi, Mike." Bonnie waved and looked down at the guard's stomach. "Wow. She's getting big."
"You wanna touch her?" Mike offered. Bonnie gently laid a hand on the guard's stomach.
"Oh!" Bonnie's smiled widened. "He kicked me!"
Mike laughed.
"Have you guys thought of a name yet?" Freddy asked.
"Not yet..." Mike and I replied sheepishly.
"Ah, well, you'll think of something." Freddy the Optimist replied. I couldn't help but smile.
"Hey, Mikey!" Chica was as hyper as ever. "Siiiiiiiiiince she's gonna be a girl and everything, you will let her meet me, right?" Figures she would ask that.
"Of course! She'll be able to meet all of you." Mike had a smile on his face that would warm the heart of anyone, human or animal or robot or whatever.
Bonnie snickered. Uh-oh. He was about to make a perverse joke, no doubt about it. The purple-haired rabbit boy whispered something in Freddy's ear. The two burst out laughing.
"What's so funny?" Mike's smile dropped slightly.
Freddy couldn't help but barely restrain laughter as he tried to choke up the words. "There's only one problem I see in this event."
"What's that?" Mike and I asked simultaneously.
"Well, because of the surgery Mike will have to go through, you two won't be able to bang for two months after this..." Freddy, Bonnie, and this time Chica burst out laughing. Mike and I turned bright red.
"Y-you...p-perverts..." Mike could hardly get the words out of his mouth. Lucky him. I couldn't even speak.
"We're just messin' with ya, Mikey!!" Freddy couldn't restrain his laughter, though.
"Whateverr~..." Mike rolled his eyes. "So what've you guys been up to?"
Our night went on, mostly filled with conversation and some of Chica's pizza, which Mike had to politely refuse because of, you know, pregnancy bullcrap that I obviously don't understand.

Mikey's ninth month was certainly an interesting one. We had to hospitalize him in case the baby came unexpectedly, and because I can't legally drive and Mike would be in too much pain to do so himself, we'd be in deep shit if that happened. He was okay his first few weeks in. I came to visit him at least four times a week, yes I am THAT protective of him, problem? Sometimes I would sneak Emily along, but we'd have to be careful in the case that one of the doctors saw her and had a heart attack. Chica would constantly beg for updates on him, which I usually gave the most detailed I had. Bonnie and Freddy apparently started to fight from time to time, too. They've now go insulting nicknames for each other. I kid you not. Freddy calls Bonnie "pretty boy" just to piss him off and more than once I've heard Bonnie call him "Fatbear" in return. Don't ask, okay?
One night, I was hanging out with the three weirdos as usual, when Chica decided, "Hey guys. Lets go down to the kitchen." Lord, I wish I hadn't listened. Bonnie, Freddy, and I followed her down to the kitchen, figuring the night would go as normal. But hey, shit's never normal here at Freddy's, so is it safe to assume that was a good idea?
I've got reasoning for this, so listen up. All four of us (and the boss, who's probably putting my idea into effect right now, actually) regretted that idea after about five minutes, because we got so distracted that if it wasn't for Bonnie's great sense of hearing, we wouldn't have heard the phone ring.


*author out*

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