Chapter 17: The Big Shock

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Foxy P.O.V.
"Hey, Bonnie." I greeted my purple-haired friend after Mike left. "How did it go?"
"He was thrilled that I had done that for him!" Bonnie smiled broadly, but the grin soon dropped. "Ehm, I mean, we had done for him."
i laughed. "Ya don't hafta credit me if ya don't want to." I gave him a pat on the back. "You're doing great with him so far!"
Bonnie blushed. "Th-thank you..." He said, averting his blue-violet eyes from my own.
I paused. "Bonnie?" I figured now would be the best time to ask him. "Were you and Freddy... you know... at it the other night?"
Bonnie's cheeks immediately became red. "How did you find out?!"
I snickered. "You two weren't exactly quiet. Mike, Chica, and I heard you through the cams."
Bonnie was silent.
"Hey, don't worry about it, bro. Have you heard how loud Mikey can get?" I laughed again. "I might just have to gag him next time we try it."
Bonnie whimpered. "W-we were... C-can you just drop it now, please?"
"'Kay, 'kay, fine." I didn't want to make my friend feel too uncomfortable. I looked up at the clock. 6:05.
"Shit." Bonnie grumbled. "I'm late." Heading over to the stage, he waved to me. "Later, Foxy" He smiled.
"See ya around." I waved back before heading down to my room at the back of Pirate's Cove.
Crap. I had fallen asleep again and woke up at 2:30. Mike clearly had to be in the office by now.
"Outta the way!" I called to the others as I sprinted down the hall.
"Oh, hey, Foxy." Mike was waiting for me patiently in the black leather office chair in the center of the room.
"Hows it going with Doll?" I asked him, panting from a loss of breath.
Mike's sweet smile dropped. "She's still not letting go."
"Jeez." I remarked. "Ya'd think a woman would learn."
"Anyway..." Mike's face grew even more depressed-looking. "Cassidy just broke the news to me."
"News?" I asked him. "What news?"
"She's having some serious financial issues with the place. So, she said she was going to scrap you and your animatronic suit."
"WHAT?!" I fell backwards into the wall in shock. I sat up and held my head in my left hand. "Why didn't she tell me?!"
"Hell if I know." He sighed, tears coming to his eyes.
This was too big a shock for me.
"Mike... you know what that means, right?" I asked, beginning to tear up as well. "That basically means..."
"She's putting you to death because you're not who she wants you to be." Mike suddenly sounded angry. "Come here, Fox." I stood up and staggered over (during the fall I had involuntarily landed on my foot).
"Listen here." He said, taking my hand and hook in his own warm grasp. "I don't want that to happen to you. At the same time, the boss is gonna be pissed off if I try to stop her." He paused to make sure I was taking all of this in. "So, I've decided something. If you're OK with it, you can come live with me." He blushed and averted his gaze a little. "Only if you're okay with it though."
I froze. Mike wanted me to live with him? Just to save my sorry ass? I didn't deserve that, but at the same time, I did know that I had promised him forever. And I knew that there was no chance in Heaven or Hell that I would break that promise.
"M-Mike..." I was overwhelmed with joy, gratitude, and a slight tinge of regret. "I wouldn't just be OK with it. I would love that." I pecked him on the forehead. "Some days I really feel like I don't deserve what you give me." I chuckled.
"Oh, Foxy. Of course you deserve this." He smiled warmly, his cerulean blue eyes sparkling. "Everyone deserves a second chance at life."
"Mike..." He was being so kind to me right now that I just couldn't stand it. I cried into his shoulder.
"Thank you, Mike. You're the best


"So when am I going home with you?" I tried to sound polite.
Mike sighed. "To be honest, Foxy, I don't know. I'm not even sure the boss is gonna let me take you." He paused. "She's planning on selling you as scrap for roughly $4,000... Maybe if I pay her twice that she'll let me take you."
I gasped. "Mike!" I said. "Don't be ridiculous! You shouldn't have to pay that much, especially for someone like me!"
Mike looked me straight in the eye. "Honestly, Foxy, I don't care how much I lose from doing this. All I care is that in the process, I gain you." My knees weakened at this. I felt like Jell-o. Man, why couldn't I say inspirational things like that from time to time?
"Uhh, Mike?" I asked him. "Look, I don't want to sound vain or anything, but what's to become of me if she says no?"
"We'll figure out something." Mike said determinedly whilst he flipped through the security cams. He then covered his eyes.
"Don't tell me, let me guess." He rambled sarcastically. "Chica, you're right in the doorway, aren't you."
"Yup!" The blonde-haired weirdo stepped through the metal frame of the door. "So, uh, what's up?"
"Foxy's being scrapped." Mike said.
"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!" Chica was shocked. Her surprised expression soon became dark. "Well, you're his boyfriend, right?! Do something!"
"We WILL do something!!" Mike and I snapped at the same time. Christ. Chica was a pain in the ass sometimes.
"Jeez, calm down." Chica said. "I didn't know. Do I look like a fucking genie to you?"
I snickered and whispered to Mike as the blonde was leaving the room. "No, but Toy Chica certainly did, and let me just say it now but she looked one hell of a lot better than you did." We burst out laughing. Chica used to hate the replacement robot for her, Toy Chica, because she looked like Nicki Minaj in booty shorts and a bra.
"I heard that!" She snapped angrily.
Soon after, the 6am bell rang. I pecked Mike on the cheek.
"When am I supposed to be sold?" I asked sadly.
"Thursday." He responded. That was two days from now.
"You'd better hurry up and ask her, then." I pat him in the shoulder before pulling him into another kiss. "Good luck, Mikey."
Mike smiled. "Thank you, Foxy." He kissed me again. "I'm going to need it."

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