Chapter 26: Logic Defiance Part 2

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Foxy P.O.V.
"I can't believe it." Mike drove home with a huge grin on his face. "A child... I didn't even know that was possible."
"I hope the boss doesn't get too pissed off." I quickly realized Mike could get fired from this.
"And if she does, she can be as mad as she wants." Mike still sounded cheerful. "We're going to have a child, Foxy. A kid of our own. Isn't that awesome?" His grinning intestified.
"I am, but I'm just concerned about where the kid's room's gonna be and how we're going to get any money in..."
Mike laughed. "I should be the one worried about that. It's like we're in an alternate universe right now." He gave me a loving and reassuring look. "Don't worry. We'll get it all sorted out. Besides," He laughed again. "It was your fault for the cravings."
"Whaddaya mean?" I asked him.
"You're the one who screwed me 'till I passed out. Technically, it's your fault this happened." Mike quickly added. "But hey, it's a good thing this happened. I had no clue this could happen from that, you didn't either, and look where it's got us now." He smiled and laughed for a third time. This guy was in a good mood.
"Uh, hate to bust your bubble, Mikey, but how the hell are you gonna be able to go to work tonight?"
Mike's hands slammed into the wheel and he nearly drove off the road.
I tried to think of something that would work.
"I've got it." I said. "Why don't we drop by house and pick up one of your uniforms? I'll go in disguised as you and I don't think the boss'll notice."
"How will you get home?" Came the worried question I knew was coming.
"I'll walk." I replied. "Your house isn't that far away from Freddy's anyway."
Mike sighed. "Don't get me fired."
"Thanks Mikey." We pulled into the driveway. "I'll be right back." I ran in and changed into one of Mike's "Night Guard" uniforms.
Foxy, Emily stood outside the bedroom. Why are you dressed like Mike?
"I gotta stand in for him at work tonight." I threw on one of his cyan jackets over a white shirt. "He's apparently pregnant. Don't ask me how. He'll be home for a while." I rushed out the door, leaving a quick peck on Emily's cold and ghostly cheek. She may not be solid, but I guarantee you she felt it. In fact, it looked as though she blushed for the split second I saw her before I closed the door...
"Hey." I piled into the car. "Do I look the part?"
"You certainly do." Mike backed out of the driveway. "Come on. We might be a few minutes late, so there's no way the boss would be there. Let's go!" Mike made his way over to Freddy's quickly and pulled in front of the restaurant.
"Here we are." He rolled down the window and weakly waved good-bye. "I'll see you in the morning." I received a peck on the cheek.
"Later, Mikey." I was about halfway down the hallway to the guard room, when I heard a voice behind me.
"Foxy!" Shit. It was Cassidy. I pulled down the brim of my cap, praying to the Lord Jesus Christ that Mike's boss didn't recognize me. "Is that you?"
She caught up to me and looked me up and down. "It is you! What are you doing here?!"
"Uhh..." I tried to think of a good excuse. "Mike's sick. I have to stand in for him for a while..."
"Oh really?!" the boss roared with laughter. "What's he got? Please tell me it's not Ebola."
"Uhh..." Crap. Now or never. If there was anything I'd regret doing to or for Mike, it was this.
"He's... I..." My face turned red and I just blurted out what I had to say:
"SomehowImanagedtoknockupMikeyandnowhe'spregnantdon'taskmehowhejustkindof is." Everything came out as one word. The boss paused to take it all in before exploding with laughter.
"You sick pervert! You've gotta be kidding! How the hell did you get here, by the way, Mike drove you? He's still outside, isn't he? I'm gonna go talk to him about this myself!" She grinned and headed down the hall. I prayed I hadn't done something wrong.
"So that's what Mike deals with every night..." I sighed and sat down in the office chair. Comfy. I sat back in it and checked the security cams. Everyone was either in the kitchen or on the stage. Chica happened to be at the stage. She looked up at the camera and screamed, "Hey guys Mikey's here! Let's go see him!!!" Everyone ran down to the office and I didn't have a second to react.
"HEYYYYYYY, MIKEY!" Chica skidded to a halt in the doorway, only to realize:
"Foxy!? What the he'll're you doing here?! Where's Mike?!"
"Foxy?!" Bonnie ran in next, followed by Freddy. SHIT. Now I had to tell all three of them.
"Uhh... Well, ya see... Somehow... I managed to... *cough cough*... knock up Mikey, and...he's, uh... somehow managing to carry a kid."
Everyone was quiet. Then everyone began to freak out with joy.
"You're kidding!!" Bonnie hugged me. "Congrats, dude!"
"OHMYGAWDDDD!!!" Chica was bouncing everywhere like a hyper puppy. "Is it a boy? or is it a girl? What're ya gonna name her? or him? Tell me what it is~!!!!!"
"Calm down!" I tried to get the blonde to shut up. "We don't know what it is. We just found out about two or three hours ago. Mike won't be back for a while. Until then, either me or someone else is filling in for him. Something tells me it'll mostly be me, but just in case, DON'T MURDER THE SUBSTITUTES." I had to make the last part especially clear to them.
"Wow..." Freddy grinned. I could tell he was about to make some horrible pun or whatever. "Is he really that feminine that you successfully knocked him up?"
"That's not funny!" Chica snagged the words straight from my mouth. "You should be ashamed of yourself! it's a miracle that those two are having a baby together! Moreover, if anything, you should be so-super-excited-you-can't-contain-it!!!!" Chica began to bounce everywhere again. "I gotta go calm myself with some pizza!" Off she went to the kitchen.
"Save some for me, you greedy bastard!" Bonnie chased after her.
"You know," Freddy began to follow them. "You can come with us if you want."
"S-sure." Huh. Freddy was actually being nice to me. I went down to the kitchen with him and the others. Chica was already rolling out pizza dough, with Bonnie trying to eat some toppings out of a bowl.
"Hey!" Chica slapped Bonnie's hand. "Don't eat all the cheese!" Again Bonnie tried to get some cheese. "Knock it off!" Another slap to the hand.
"Make me!" The two got into another one of their infamous fights. Freddy and I could only watch from the door.
"Man, Bonnie's real cute when he's actually putting up a fight with someone. He's normally just a shy little rabbit, but to her..." He shook his head. "Hey, you were dating the pretty boy himself for a time, weren't ya?" He looked over at me.
"I was." I was somewhat surprised he remembered that. "Why?"
"No reason." Freddy returned his staring at Chica and Bonnie's tirade, which was beginning to grow dangerously intense. "I just need you to tell me this one thing: How do you get him to shut up during sex?"
My face flew up in red. I'd never actually done it with Bonnie but I still knew the answer and replied almost immediately, "Gag him. Works every time."
"Gotcha." Bonnie and Chica's fight was beginning to cool down.
"Uhh..." Chica set down her spatula. "I think the pizza's 'bout ready to go in the oven."
"Agreed." The two put the pizza in the oven and punched in some times and temperatures.
"That got out of hand quickly." I remarked, noticing a large bruise (obviously made by Chica's spatula) on the side of Bonnie's face.
"Right, but it cooled down twice as fast." Came Freddy's comment.
"True dat." Chica shuffled around in a drawer for a second.
"So how's Mike doing now?" Bonnie asked.
The night went on like this until 6am.


*author out*

FNAF Foxy x Mike story I made out of bordeomWhere stories live. Discover now