Part 5 Enchanted Bee Hive

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Day 5

So basically I sold the Las Vegas Sign for a Subway sandwich and some poor sap's DS game collection. It was a huge loss, but Subway is also bomb and i love me a good spicy italian sandwich. But luckily for me the DS could be used for literally any use. Need a communications device? BAM, the DS picks up signals so you can talk to people. Need some entertainment? BAM, you can play games. Need house building supplies? Get enough DSes and BAM, bricks for a home. You get the idea; This thing is magical. I was running around with basically a gold bar in my pocket. Some wacko in the middle of nowhere, Colorado, tried to rob me. He claimed to be Eric Cartman from the TV show South Park. Another use for the Nintendo DS is as an improvised weapon. I just kinda tossed it at this guy and he exploded. Like, literally exploded .Like Mushroom Cloud style. The DS was ok. That thing is made out of some kind of plastic that can survive anything. I just walked away like some dumb action movie, I also found some broken Aviator Sunglasses and put them on all cool like. After that overall traumatising experience I found a cave, ate a bug, and watched the first episode of Spongebob Squarepants again. .  

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