Part 28 Holy shit a fork

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Day 28

                                     "Yo, you think they serve cake at 7/11?" I asked William. "No, 7/11 shut down, idiot, they don't serve cake, or anything for that matter." "Damn". We arrived at the volcanic island where we planned on destroying the DS. This island was a fairly new addition to the Hawaiin Chain. We Tokyo Drifted a battleship next to the island and got our plank. We were gonna walk it. Then the time came, we had decorated the safe to be a ceremonial coffin. We carried the safe (which was heavy) up the volcano. Once we reached event horizon, the mouth of the volcano. We opened the safe with the super secure password "42069666". We all saw it, the glow. As I lifted it out of the box we all became silent and solemn, slow piano music could be heard emanating from the device, like it knew it's own fate. And it probably did. As I held the unholy amalgamation of electronic parts it hummed louder and louder. Then came the moment. We all cheered in unison as the 4DS was thrown. But those cheers turned to screams as it defied gravity itself and floated above the lava. It then shot over to The Chicken. It fused with the Playstation, gaining control of the suit itself. It then ejected the mysterious person that had travelled with us. Short hair, obviously cut by an amateur, hoodie and jeans, there was no denying who it was. Samantha. As much as we wanted to ask and speculate how she hid for all this time our request was denied as The Chicken Costume itself had started floating higher above the volcano mouth. 13,700 miles of travel led up to this moment. Failure. The 4DS had gotten a body. A rumble could be heard as towers started growing, this must be the 5G. All hope seemed lost. The 6 of us, on an island, looking at the horror that had been unleashed was super dramatic yo. Then I remembered something, the missile. *Its almost as if this was intended to happen.* I had the launch controller we made out of a camera. I found the target, it locked, and I pressed the launch button, praying to the cruel gods of fate as the rocket shot over us, aiming for the shell of a former ally. The missile flew......

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