Part 13 Go Green

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Day 13

After leaving everything in Asheville and gaining a new party member we headed toward Raleigh. We encountered some strange dragon horse people who called themselves "Bronies" and stealing their lunch money, we then set up camp in an old rest stop along the highway. After I and somehow Soulja-Bot fell asleep; The Chicken's nocturnal adventures begun. (This bit is now set in the perspective of The Chicken)

"OwO, so it seems that everyone is asleep." I ran to back to grab a marker (marker is pronounced with a terrible Irish accent) and drew UwU on Soulja-bot's "face." "Beautiful" I then decided to run outside with 50 bags of microwave popcorn and threw it around like confetti, all while blasting the first 5 seconds of "Man I feel like a woman". Suddenly it started raining. I look up and think, "It's a terrible day for rain." Disappointed about the rain, I ran back inside and grabbed my keyblade. I than proceeded to wack the cash register and steal all of the money. I than ran back outside to throw it like confetti since I ran out of microwave popcorn. Tired I went inside and collapsed beside the toilet.(Thus Ends The Chicken's side story) When I woke up I saw the aftermath. Soulja-Bot had a new "face" which appeared to be a crudely drawn "UwU" emoticon. I tried waking the sleeping armor, but armor is really had to wake up and i had to knock on it like a door. We walked around the rest stop to discover unopened microwave popcorn and one dollar bills littering the grassy area outside. We went to the restrooms and discovered the chicken in the gender neutral family bathroom sleeping beside a toilet. When we woke The Chicken from it's night of adrenaline fueled debauchery, its first reaction was to look around, then cluck as loud as it could. Not a sound from a sound board. But a human imitation of a chicken. I shrugged this off, helped The Chicken up, and helped it clean up. (It's a wonder where you can fit toilet paper in a chicken outfit.) and we departed from the ruined rest stop, still on our way to Wilmington. 

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