Part 12 Heaven or Hell

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Day 12

I woke up to the sound of hornets. Turns out it was The Chicken playing "The Bidding" for the seventeenth time. I got up from my pile of books that I used as a bed and it was time to confront Soulja Boy. We ascended the ornate staircase to the roof. That's where we thought Soulja was. When we reached a room with a big enough window, we discovered that he had also used this room as his own because we saw a staircase clearly made from reused stone. We prepared ourselves and ascended the makeshift staircase made from alchemy. On the peak of this artificial mountain that a man called a home at one point, we saw him. The boy, Soulja. He was reading something and as we ran closer we saw Ace, in the middle of an alchemy circle. "Oh crap" The Chicken said, uncharacteristically. It then promptly shut up. "He's trying to do some sort of ritual. I said, ignoring The Chicken's outburst. "Hey, trying to bring back mommy?" I said mockingly. "No" The figure, clad in white said. "I am reviving someone more important to me than ever." Soulja said in an almost calming tone. "I'm bringing back my fallen mentor, TED KACZYNSKI!!!!111!!" He said erratically. We could see his bloodshot eyes through his sunglasses with "Soulja Boy" written in white marker. He was deranged, and started chanting as the ritual rune around Ace started to glow a bright blue. A suit of armor, modified with a "Soulja Game" console lodged inside the chest (Yes, Soulja Boy made his own game system. Look it up) started to shake and rattle. Ace, the unwilling sacrifice; started to glow and levitate. He then morphed into a ball of light and was shaped into the figure of an old man. He was now clearly Ted Kaczynski and Soulja was using his abilities to try to fuse him with the armor. As some quick thinking on my part, I whipped out the 4DS and rushed the ghost. A large flash of light and sound quickly followed my action as I was blown back. After a few dazed seconds I got up and discovered my 4DS intact. I had trapped the soul of Ted Kaczynski into the thing he hated most, technology. Soulja Boy was angry, real angry. He gracefully set himself back onto the roof and started stomping towards us. Little did he know, his circle was still there. As soon as he entered his rune me and The Chicken both rushed, placed our hands on the edge of the circle, and cried "YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" We had activated the spell and Soulja Boy was visibly scared as he ascended into the air and was shot into the nearest vessel, the armor. His soul was now trapped in the armor. The only remains of his body were his hat and glasses. The hat disintegrated, as that was the source of his evil. We did give Armor Boy his glasses and made him look somewhat normal. He was intent on joining us, so we loaded up alchemy books into his hollow center. It could come in handy to have an alchemist in our party. We shared our stories, excluding The Chicken because they were in a vow of silence. He didn't mention his previous mentor as we walked along the road out of Asheville, to our next destination;Wilmington. To be continued....    

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