Part 21 Who gave the child a gun?

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Day 21

It was dark. We were all below deck watching a movie. It was "The End of Evangelion". Soulja Bot started crying. I turned around and said "Are you seriously talking during the Third Impact?!" He immediately went quiet. 12 hours later we were out on deck, the sea breeze nearly blowing off my epic dictator hat. I understandably was mad and personally shot at the wind just because. After my anger had dissipated, we saw something in the water. It was a freaking armored whale with wings built on it. It came straight towards us. I rushed towards the front of the boat and yelled "WIND FISH" it then flew over the boat into the horizon. "Looks like wind fish is mad at me!" I yelled at the now far gone whale. "Ill freakin get you one day WInd Fish!" We set our sights for Key West. We're gonna get there one day.

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