Chapter 29: Anime Batman

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Now we were in for it. Old Man Jimminhiemer had seen the baseball fly through his window and he was yellin'. Then the LSD wore off. Old Man Jimminhiemer was a floating chicken suit and his house was a volcano and the baseball was a nuclear warhead. Sadly, this was not a hallucination. Things were constantly happening. I stood, disoriented, woozy, and for some reason thinking of Kaworu Nagisa. Then I had the idea. I would wear Soulja-Bot as armor, and pop off The Chicken's Head. Have you ever entered an already inhabited suit of ghost armor? Its a strange feeling, almost like you don't belong there. Ignoring that, we rushed The Chicken. It humored us and came down. Little did this Chicken Tender KFC Big Bucket lookin dude know, we were packing heat. The Gnife was hidden behind our back, and was immediately fired several times into the chest of the suit, slightly damaging the 420DS. Then in a flash, we grabbed its neck, like Homer Simpson, and held the Suit over the Lava. *POP* Just like in Episode 24 of Evangelion. Except the LCL is lava and the Gay Angel is a fursuit. Of course, being a god and whatnot, the Suit just floats on the lava, headless. And we collect the group, throw them on the boat. And drive. Or, sail. Doesn't matter, Suit is back, pissed, and wants us dead. It started distorting reality. It lifted our boat, and our forward momentum started to be stored. Then the boat did a Backwards Long Jump into the one giant rip in space. Of all the places to be shot to.It had to be the giant space rift.

Have you ever felt yourself deconstruct on an atomic level? Its not pleasant. Reconstruction was less annoying, except for the fact that my arm was not mine. Floating in the gap between world lines was strangely calming. I felt comfort knowing my allies were by my side as we floated through realities. But now those were faint memories now. Me and Another Figure ran into some guitar string lookin thing and we saw a flash of light. Then Nothing.

Will the gang get revived? Will there be a new universe? How many endings are there gonna be? Is the Chicken coming back? All will be answered in the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!

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