Part 22 Electric Boogalo Part 2:Electric Boogaloo

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Day 22

"Pull over!, this is the boat cops!" The boat cops said. I looked over the railing and saw a coast guard ship on our left. "By the order of the United States federal government we order a boarding of your vessel!" The small statured man yelled. "Of course!" I said with a layer of fake kindness I only ever showed to the dinosaurs who frequent my McDonalds. The two pathetic looking men climbed aboard our boat via a rope ladder that we shook occasionally to make their trip even a little harder. When they came aboard, they demanded an inspection of the boat. As I showed them the deck I remembered that the government was disbanded in October 2020. I ushered them over to admire our spectacular railing and when they were looking at it. I forced one of them overboard. Then, William, who was trailing at a distance, rushed at the remaining officer, who looked horrified. As soon as they both were in the water, I ordered a shell be launched at the puny ship, and it sunk hard. We continued our journey until we reached the small Island of Key West. Once we had docked we noticed the lack of anybody. Me and my first mate, The Chicken went on an expedition onto the once great capital of the Conch Republic. As we walked I kept my eye out for a trolley, that would be crucial to our survival here. We walked along the roads lined with dilapidated houses that at one point cost a million dollars. Then we saw it, abandoned along the road. A trolley, re enforced with rusted sheet metal and a gun at the top. It took a lot of pushing to get it on the tracks, but it went on the tracks with a "Clunk". We started up the road at 2 times the speed of walking. We went along the street looking for a bright green building. After an encounter with some rabid chickens we were outside of "Kermits Key Lime Pie" I needed to speak with someone inside. I knocked on the now boarded up door. "Who is it?" said an annoyed female voice. "It's the Queen of England, Ma! Now open the door." The door opened and my parents were inside, ready to hit me with a bat. "Hold on, how in the world did you get here?" My mother questioned. "Boat" I responded flatly. "And how did you know where we would be?" "Pie". "Ok, fair enough." She said. "We have come on an adventure and we need food, specifically pie." I said, hinting that I wanted pie. "No way dude, not a chance in heck I'm givin' you some pie, even if you are the only child that bothers to visit." As we walked into the store she continued "Your sisters left home and three weeks later I hear that they took over Pittsburgh and are now ruling it with tiny iron fists." "Interesting" I said, picking up some key lime flavored candy and items of random food with the same flavor. "I don't know about your brother, I think he was eaten by a moose. Or he just didn't leave the house." She handed us some 6 pies and bid us farewell. Now one more place to go, Ernest Hemingway's house to steal a cat for The Chicken. As we drove along we grabbed a chicken, crossing the road. We pulled up to the mansion, freaking snatched up a lil kitty and rushed outta there. We drove the trolley as fast as we could back to the docks. Ran onto our ship and got out of there. We shot a shell aimed near the mansion, I am not taking any more chances with rich old dead people's houses and went full speed to our next stop, Cuba. Now with two new friends on the boat and some sweets.  

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