Part 10 The Chicken is a Hen??

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Day 10

"Ouch" I tripped. Seemingly over nothing. When I looked over, it was Bobby Shmurda's missing hat. Score. Now we had something worth money. If you know, Bobby Shmurda is still alive. We had arrived in Asheville. It looked like it always had. Shrouded by shadows from the pine trees, just more abandoned. The Chicken was immediately drawn to a music store. Probably one of the last one of its kind. I followed the speeding poultry into the building lost to time. Because of the decline in interest in CDs the music store was basically untouched. It immediately went towards the alternative section of the store and stated shoving "Fallout Boy" CDs into the Playstation. It eventually made its way to the indie section. As I was browsing I heard its footsteps. I quickly grabbed a copy of "Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum" (Good Album) It took the disc from me and consumed it. It noticed my fondness for the album and started playing it. The Chicken chose to play "Banana Man" on repeat for the remainder of our time in the store. After that seemingly endless time in Banana Hell we left with our phat luut. (Good haul) We then went to McDonalds, my choice. We scrounged around to find food and i found a frozen Big Mac. I deepfried it and had myself a heart attack on a bun. I went to the dining area only to find The Chicken. With its back turned, mask off, and holding the sweet tea container over what appeared to be "her" head, drinking it in a manner that shook me. I had never seen a human being act with such primal hunger, but I could see it because McDonald's sweet tea is bomb. I then turned around, and went straight to the back where I know they have the safe. Apparently every McDonalds store has the same safe code and I got in easy. I found a literal gold bar in there. I felt a wave of nostalgia as I remembered the time a crackhead paid me for a McChicken with a gold bar. I snatched that gold up like a little goblin and continued looking in the back. I went to the way back walk in freezer to see if the fries were still good. They were. The frozen fries didn't expire until 2069. So I did the body by McDonalds workout plan and carried boxes of fries to the deep frier so me and The Chicken could feast. After our very nutritious meal of unsalted french fries and 3 week old Diet Coke we went to the play area in the store. I then proceeded to get tackled into the ball pit by The playful Poultry. Eventually I fell asleep. Mostly because of exhaustion and also the fact that I had eaten 3 pounds of french fries and I might be going into a diabetic coma. Last thing I remember is a mass of artificial feathers near me before I dosed off in the depths of colorful plastic balls that smelled of onions.

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