The Old Rickian

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Ricky's POV

The hug with Kian and Trevor lingered a while, which was absolutely ok by me. We all had a lot of emotions to let out. Trevor, Connor and Andrea had all told me that Kian was in bad shape, likely sick and depressed. His last tweet to me seemed desperate, even if I was already flying back to LA when he sent it. What Kian didn't know was how bad shape I had been in after giving up contact with him cold turkey. Australia was fun and distracted me but I was mostly miserable hanging out in Alabama. Shelby and my parents were fussing over me constantly, especially when I came down with the flu and spent several days in bed. Poor Connor and Trevor had to deal with both me and Kian being miserable and dutifully lied to Kian and told him I was fine. But I felt going cold turkey was the quickest way I could get over Kian and I was right. I still feel a special bond and affection for him and I always will. The intimacy we shared will always be a part of us. But I am ready to be just friends again.

Eventually Trevor lets go and says, "I'm going to go tell Connor and JC."

"I love you Trev. Thanks as always for your help." I respond. Trev just smiles at us and gives us a thumbs up. I still have an arm around Kian, who relaxes his grip on me.

"What does this mean Ricky?" He asks cautiously.

"It means that that I am back, that I am sorry for going cold turkey on you, that I am ready to be best friends again if you want and that I love you. Can you forgive me for walking away for a while? I just needed a break." I explain.

"Of course Ricky, I'm just glad you're back. My life was really empty without you. You have no idea." He answers enthusiastically.

"I know we need to talk about things but for tonight can we just go hang out and have fun?" I ask. "The things we need to discuss will come out over time."

Kian nods his head. "Jamba Juice? Panera? Taco Bell? Movie? Whatever, I'm buying." Kian responds. This is exactly what I want to hear. Not the part about him buying, though that's cool too, but that he just wants to hang out at the usual spots.

"Any of that sounds good. Hey, I brought you some stuff from Oz and Alabama. Come to my room." I reply. So we head to my, which is a little awkward because Kian refuses to take his hand off of my shoulder. I promise him I won't leave again if he lets go. I give him the t-shirt and boomerang I brought him from Australia along with the big vacuum packed package of southern barbecue and sauce I brought him (ok us) from Alabama.

A big smile creeps across his face. "Wow, thanks. I could kiss you Ricky Dillon."

I am sure that I give him a freaked out look in response. "Ok Kian, I was going to tell you we really didn't have to worry about friendship rules anymore but let's not joke about things like that."

"Sorry." He replies sheepishly.

"Hey, let me freshen up and get changed and will head out in twenty minutes." I say with excitement.

"Yeah, sure, meet you downstairs." He replies and turns and walks back to his room. I feel strangely ok. I thought it might be more awkward. Hopefully we stay this way.

Kian's POV

I come back from Ricky's room truly smiling on the inside and outside for the first time in weeks and find Trevor sitting on my bed looking very serious. I walk right to him and pull him off my bed and wrap my arms around him in a big bear hug. "Trevy Trev you are the greatest. You've done so much for me. You don't know the half of it."

"I know more than you think." He says seriously, breaking our hug to look me in the eye but holding on to my shoulder.

"What do you mean?" I ask nervously as we sit down on my bed. Trevor looks like he might cry.

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