Plans and Meetings

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Authors note:

This is a transition chapter that links the past "real events" based chapters to a pure fiction future. In the past chapters, I tried to link the story into what was really happening with O2L and their tour. The chapter after this is like a TV mid-season finale or the end of a first act in a play, with an event that throws the guys into disarray. For now we connect a few dots...

Kian's POV

Ricky and I haven't talked much more about the events in the tour bus from a couple of weeks ago. It was a huge moment in our friendship and I put out some highly indirect subtweets about it. I am in a really good place right now. Even though things are more uncertain with Andrea than anyone but Ricky knows, I am approaching life with more confidence and less doubt. Knowing I have friends who love me as much as the guys do and fans who adore us is an incredible feeling that I process every day. I wish Sam could see it as I do. But there is still a lot of hidden uncertainty and sadness that runs deep with him. His battle with depression runs much deeper than mind.

The tour ended with a bang along the west coast and we finally got home for all of two days before VidCon started. A whole two days in my own room and own bed. The tour made us all closer, witness the day after we got home.

I wanted to see The Fault in Our Stars movie and who did I end up on a "man-date" with but Connor. I hadn't worn the shirt Ricky gave me out yet but somehow this felt like a right time as I think Ricky needs to tell Connor about his secret. I know Ricky wants to but I think he wants to Shelby first. I have to tried to make everything Ricky and I do as normally Rickian as possible as that's how I really feel. The only thing that has changed is that I feel more trusted and loved than other.

I wander down the hall past Ricky's room and say, "I'm out with Connor tonight, you okay?"

Ricky looks up and smiles at my shirt. "Yup. Just have to finish editing my videos and get some prep done for Shelby's visit and VidCon. Don't cry too much!"

"I am not going to cry at all," I respond, "Connor says he will do the crying for both of us."

"I love Connor's sensitive side but you have one too." He responds, "Wanna bet?"

"What do you have in mind?" I ask?

"Loser does the winners laundry tomorrow?" He suggests.

"You're on," I try to say confidently.

He laughs, "I am going to have an extra sweaty work out tonight so you'll have an extra smelly pile to deal with tomorrow." I don't think he was joking.

"Whatever." I say, "See you later." I walk downstairs.

"No paying Connor to lie for you." He calls after me.

I see Connor by the door playing on his phone and smiling. We all know he is crushing on someone but none of us knows who. He looks up and smiles at me. "What are you not supposed to pay me to lie about?" He asks.

"Whether I cry tonight. Ricky and I have a bet."

"You are so losing that one. Hope you didn't agree to a foot massage or something gross like that." He says.

"Just doing each others laundry." I respond as we head to his car.

Connor actually opens the door for me and says, "That's a nice shirt. When did you get it in Colorado?"

"Ricky gave it to me." I respond matter of factly. Connor gets in and turns on the car.

"Hmm...I didn't get a gift from Ricky...I'm going to have to bug him about this." Connor responds.

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