Chapter three

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Sunday morning I went to church with Rachael and we spent the day at my house outside with her little sister. Jay and Bobby came over as well because Jay thinks he can show up when he wants. "We should go mess with Falls", Jay chuckles. "Your lucky he doesn't rip your throat out", Bobby says pulling his arm around Racheal. Jay walks like he's going to Raygons. I sat next to Rachael and Bobby. "Come on Jay leave him alone". He sighs, "Fine". He comes sit by me putting his arm behind my back. "You look hot today in that sunday dress", He smirkd. I rolled my eyes. "You surely know how to charm a girl don't you". "Thats just my specialty", He says winking. I laughed. "Dude we should so go to the rockers caffe next saturday, they having open mic night", Bobby says. "Im in if Ree's in", Jay smiled. Why couldn't Jay take the hint that i like him as a friend and nothing more. Rachael gave me a pouty face. "Sure", I say picking up Rachael's little sister putting her on my lap. "Yay", Rachael claps her hands as her mom drives up to pick her sister up. "Well I'll see y'all at school tommoro", Jay says winking at me and waving to Rachael. Bobby kisses Rachael and hops in Jay's truck. She runs to me blushing. "So are y'all like a thing now?", I ask. "Yes mam", She says hugging me."See you tommoro.

I waited till I couldn't see her car anymore and got up ruffling my dress back down. It was my favorite strapless black flowered dress and my long hair was down curled i had heels on but changed into my combat boots to go eat. I made my way to Raygons house jumping off the porch steps. I knock on the door. He answers with big eyes scratching his head. "What?", i say laughing but a little annoyed. "Aren't you going to invite me in?". "Oh yea", he says opening the door for me. He closes it after me rubbing his neck then putting his hands in his pocket he had ripped jeans and a long sleeve dark grey shirt. "Ree you --you l--look amazing today", He says. I looked at him stunned did he seriously just say that. "I mean you always look good---". "Ray", I tried.... "You always look beau--". "Ray thank you", I say trying to save his embarrassment. His face was beat red as he ran his hand through his head his deep blue eyes met mine. I smile at him making him smile. "You wanna stay for dinner", He asked. "I mean if your mom doesn't have things planned". I laughed "psh she's never home till late, shes always working". He made his way to the kitchen. "And I'd love to", I say sitting on a chair. "Hows pasta, please say yes because thats all i have till my dad goes shopping for me". "Pastas fine, your dad does your shopping?" I asked. He took a breath and looked at me. "I'm sorry not my buessness". "No he pays a lady to do it for me", He says serous. I nodded my head.

"Wow", I say taking another bite. "This is amazing, your a good cook, girls like a guy that can cook". He smirked taking a bite. "You don't have a girlfriend Falls", I asked jokey. "Nah", He rolls his eyes. "I don't have friends much less a high matinees chick". "Oh really?", I say clearing my throat. "Well there is you", He says. "Thank you", I smile making him smile and stare at me. "What", I say still smiling. "Your different Reeane", he says. "Well thats just it your odd and Im different, and how do you figure I'm different?". He takes my plate and puts it in the dish washer. "Im waiting". "I don't know, you treat me different then everyone else". He walks into the living room i follow as he sits on the opposite couch as me. I look at him then the wall, then get up slowly walking to the couch he was siting at, he tensed up and his jaw flexed as I sat next to him. "Then you don't have to be so distant from me", I say smiling. I scoot closer that our arms are touching. His jaw tightens again as he swallowed. He looked as if he hasn't been this close to some one in years. He faces me licking his lips swallowing, again our eyes met. I smirk at him lightly. He looks away starting to get up, I pull him back down and touch his face. "Ray, I really like being with you and Im not going to hurt you or say anything to hurt you". He looks into my eyes then at my lips moving in closer like he was going to kiss me. He snaps out of it and gets up fast rubbing his head again. "Im sor-- I'm sorry", i manage to get out. "Don't you have school tommro?", he asked. I sighed getting up walking to the door. This time he walked me out. "Thanks for dinner Ray", I smiled kissing him on the cheek. He face turned red and his eyes grew big, he fluttered them. "Yeah". "I'll see you soon", I said walking out. I could feel him watching me walk all the way home. I waved as I made it up my steps. He closes the curtains.

I was finding myself falling for Raygon Falls. I couldn't stop thinking about him. Why was he so distant from me when i move closer he moves further away. Maybe he hasn't been close to someone in years thats why he keeps pushing me away atleast he finally accepted me as his friend. I don't know why but i felt as if i rather spend every minute with him then do anything else. Falling asleep was hopeless i thought about calling Raygon because i remember getting his number I dailed the number with a nervas stomach. "Hey....", he whispers in a velvety voice. I smiled. "I cant sleep...", I say lowly. "Me neither i cant stop thinking about you for some reason", He whispers. I felt my heart jump out my skin. "Same here", I whisper. "Close your eyes", He says then starts to play his guitar. It was beautiful and soft. "Goodnight Ray", I sighed. "Goodnight Reeane", He whispers hanging up the phone.

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