Chapter fourteen

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I get a phone call while getting ready, If it was Raygon I wasn't answering, but it was Racheal.


"Hey, are you coming tonight?".

"Yeah, Ill meet yall there about eight".

"Yay! Okay well see you there", she says in a suspicious tone before she hung up. She better not have anything planned.

By the time i was done curling my hair, doing makeup, and dressing it was already 6:30. My day that was suppose to be me and Raygon was almost over and not a moment was spent not fighting. I move slowly to the window, I see him come out side walking to the back, prolly working on that damn bike. 7:15 I was out the door, I caught Raygon going back through the front of the house, he stopped in mid tracks watching me as I get in my car.

I slammed on the gas backing up trying to not even look at him and haled ass down the road. I was not about to give him the benefit of the dought, oh its ok Ray so you can talk shit to me again, I forgive you, no I hated when boys did that, they are mean to you then right after apologize about it and don't want to talk about it again, and act like nothing happen ,fuck no you better sit there and explain to me why the hell you said it and whats your Damn problem. All the things I do for him all the things we've been through and this is how he treats me.

I pull up right at 8, while walking through the parking lot I spot Jordy watching me, he winks at me giving me a side grin. I just smirk and give him a little nod. "Ree!", Rach yells as I walk in the door paying my cover. I smile running to give her a hug. I look over her shoulder and see Bobby and Jay talking. "Jays here?". She looks at them and Jay spots us, well me. "Not any more", She says as he's walking away to talk to his other friends. "Come on", She takes my hand pulling me to our table in front of the stage. The cafe wasn't so big it was just one of those hang out if your bored and like music places. "Look what I brought", Rachael says pulling out my guitar from under the table. "Why did you---- ohh no Rach".

"Yes besides I already signed your name".

"Rach!", I say putting my head to the table. She smirked,"Come on, you haven't played in forever, better figure out what your going to play".

A young guy playing his violin just stepped off stage and the guy with the mike comes up, "Next up, Reeane Thomason". My heart just dropped out my ass as I heard my name, Rach hands me my guitar as I stand up I catch a guy with a hoodie standing in the back corner, He looked just like Raygon. I decided Id play "This" by Ed Sheeran. I made my way to the chair in front of the mic and I look up back into the corner, the guy with the hood looks up slowly, my heart stops there was Raygon here in town in front of people. I shakily pull my guitar to my body and start strumming the notes, This song always took over me, I close my eyes and when Id open them Id look straight at Raygon. I sang with all I had left all that I had inside me thats been waiting to get out, as i finished every one clapped and when I look up Raygon is gone. I made my way to walk off stage as a smileing face meets me, Jordy puts his hand out to help me from stage. "Your really good". I smile back at him but still look around for Ray. "Thanks, but Im not all that". He laughs shaking his head, "I liked it". He walks with me, "let me buy you a coffee?". I look at him funny. "Come on its just a coffee". I take a another look for Raygon, I couldnt find him anywhere. "Okay, I say setting my Guitar next to Rach after getting a nasty look from her for following Jordy.

I order a chai tea and he ordered a coffee black. I made a nasty face at him. He laughs, "Thats just the way I like it, black like my soul". I smirk, "So you have a dark soul?". He smirks at me creepy, "Maybe". If I was some scared of everything spaze like Rach I would have walked away from this guy but something about him amused me. I laughed a little. "Do I amuse you Reeane?", He asked moving a little closer to me. "Maybe", I say grabbing my chia tea. He laughs, "We should get together sometime kid". I looked at him then around again for Raygon. "Whats wrong you seem a little sidetracked?, He smirks looking around. "Oh, Im just looking for my friend", I say turning back to him. "You don't mean your boyfriend?, He asked

"Yeah-- I mean no!", I say trying to make sure he didn't think I was with anyone cause how would I explain that. "You know if you had a boyfriend you should let me know", He leans against the bar running his hand through his spiky hair.

"Oh really, and whys that?", I asked taking a sip off my chai. He looks at me nodding, " see when a guy takes interest in you and keeps meeting up with you he deserves to know those kinds of things". I look at him then the ground, "I don't think you should take any interest in me, Im unavailable". He raises one of his eyes brows, "Thought you said you had no boyfriend".

"It seems as if you already know that answer or your just trying to make me go out with you".

He smirked, "Smart girl, so how bout it?.

How bout what?.

He laughs, "A date with me?". I smirk and put my hair behind my ears. What was I suppose to do in this situation, I couldn't tell him about Raygon Falls, he said no one else could know.

"Fine, one date, but im telling you I am unavailable", I tell him leavening him there with a crazy grin on his face.

He watched me walk to Rach and Bobby. "Are you crazy?", Rach says as we both look at him. "What did he want?".

"He asked me out".

Bobby looked at me funny,"Is that even legal". Rachs eyes were so big I think they could pop out her skull,"But Ree hes so old and what about Raygon?". I covered her mouth, "Not every knows about me and Raygon, and hed----- we would like to keep it that way". She nods her head and we watch as Jordy walks out the cafe. "Anyways I have to go Im tired". They both nod and each give me a hug.

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