Chapter six

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"Morning!", Mom says holding the bottle of vodka I left outside. I throw my head in my pillow. "Mom It was just me, Jay, Bobby, and Rach here thats it". She stares at me. "Well I rather you just ask next time", She says going back down stairs. I get up slowly stretching then sigh while looking at Raygon's house. My phone Vibrates my heart beats fast Im hoping its Ray but its a text from Rach. 'Hey meet me at ruby's for lunch'. I throw on my ripped jeans and a long sleeve black shirt with my combat boots and curl my hair wavy throwing on a lil makeup so I don't look totally dead. "Mom going meet Rach", I say knowing she wouldn't notice I was even gone. I jump off the last step and throw a piece of candy corn in my mouth. I herd Raygon start up his bike in the back and watched as he rode it to the front he had his hoodie on with a leather jacket on top and black boots with dark jeans and his helmet, he looked like a true bad ass, he passed by me not even giving me a look. I got in my car heading to rubys, I saw him again. "Hey!", Rach says as I watch Ray not even looking at her. "What are you---oh". We both watch him as he orders some food then Jay walks in behind him, he looks at us gapping after Raygon. He smirks knocking Raygons food out his hands. That made me want to hit the shit out of Jay. Raygon looks at the food on the ground then his fist turn into balls. "You better watch it Jay", Raygon threatens him. Jay stood there mugging him. Raygon took one quick look at me then walked out the door. "That was rude Jay," I said to him as he walked up to us all satisfied with himself. "Why you always sticking up for him?, and why were y'all starring after him?". We both shrug our shoulders. "Well its like you----never mind", He says grabbing his food he came to pick up."see y'all later". "Thats actually the first time i see Raygon outside of town and saw his face though, when I usually see him he's covering his face, he actually is beautiful", She whispers. "You think so?", I ask trying to seem like I don't notice it all the time. "In a creepy bad boy sort of edgy way". The only reason she thought of him that way is because she didn't know him like i did, if people actually took the time to get to know Raygon Falls and look past his past then maybe they wouldn't be so afraid of him. "I guess so", I say a little annoyed by her judgement. I saw Raygon at the food stand getting more food just walking away. "I have to go to the bathroom", I tell Rach. I snuck out the back. I walk slowly up to Ray while he was walking to his bike. "Hey....", I say gently. He looks at me then around. "Hi", his says in a monotoned velvety voice. "Sorry about Jay being a totally ass", I whisper. He smirks,"I can handle him". I look at him then the ground. "Im sorry about last night". He stares at me then rubs his neck walking past me putting his food in his bike bags. He grabs his helmet. "Ree don't". I frown at the ground. "Reeane", he says my name huskily and gentle smiling at me. I smile back as he starts up his bike puting on his helmet riding off leaving me standing there in the street. "Ree?", i herd Rach behind me. Shit how long was she standing there. I turn around facing her. "Rach, I uh--how long you been standing there?". "Long enough to find out that somethings going on between you and Raygon Falls", She says wide eyed. I try to talk but I'm speechless."You promised", She says. "Don't you think if I knew he was a threat to me I wouldn't be hanging out with him", I roll my eyes. "No, you love dangerous, your always doing stupid shit and he prolly doesn't care and does them along with you". "Were not killing people Rach", I say smirking. "But pissing off that same cop, spray painting, vandalizing, and climbing water towers, trespassing", She says. "So what", I say walking pass her. "So its dangerous". I looked at her stupid,"Well last time i checked your my best friend not my mother". "And I bet your mom would be happy to know your hanging out with Raygon Falls". "You wouldn't", I sneered at her. She sighed,"No I wouldn't but you better step back and take a look at him Ree, He killed some one and he's bound to do it again and it could be you". I look at her frustraighted, "You don't even know him Rach". "And you do?", She asked. I couldn't talk there too, I mean I knew enough that Raygon wouldn't hurt me but I didn't know much about what happen to him and why he is the way he is. "I know he'd never hurt me", I say walking away as she grabbed my arm to stop me. "I hope your right". "I'am", I yank my hand from her. "Who are you anymore", She says stinging me with those words i turn around hurt. "Who am i, who are you judging people by what they did and making them into a monster, you only saying that because your believing what Jay says about Raygon Falls, Im still me Racheal, sucks that y'all are missing out on an amazing person just because of a bad choice or rumors". I walk away leaving her there I jump into my car and pull up in my drive slowly. I couldn't believe my own best friend judge me just for hanging out with Raygon Falls. I get out throwing my bag on the ground walking past Ray in the back yard eating next to his bike I just act as if I didn't see him I walk threw the field and trees climbing through the fence to the tower. "What are you doing?", Ray says behind me. "Rach found out about us", I say almost on tears. "Ha did she spaz out", he asked smirking. "Yea she went on about how I could be the next one you kill and judging me for hanging out with you". He licked his lips looking at the ground swallowing hard. "She said that?", He says in a hurtful face then punches a old metal rusted shed. I jumped at the sound. He was breathing hard,"I would never---", he breaths in. "Ree I would never hurt you like that". "I---I-I know", I choke a lil on my words. "Every ones making you into something your not but when Rach sits there's asking me if I even know you I cant give her a straight answer because I really don't----know you". He runs his hands through his hair, "You think I would do that?". "No, I just dont know who you are, whats your story and why you act the way you act". "I just am ok, you don't need to know my story and I'am the way am because no one loves me take it or leave it", He says in tears. "No one cares about me", He whispers . I sigh moving a lil closer to him. "I do". He looks up at me walking little closer and slowly touching my face. "Why", He asked. "I don't really know its unexplainable", I say looking at the ground. "I don't know if I can take you pushing me away any more I feel unloved sometimes too my moms never around I even feel alone when Im with my friends. But not with you when I'm with you it's like I'm not alone anymore". "Ree---I--I don't see how any body could not love you, the first time i saw those green eyes", He says shaking his head. "Can we just be friends again, rather that then nothing". He sticks his hands in his pocket digging his shoes in the ground. "Raygon", I say his name licking my lips waiting for his answer. "You do realize people are going to talk now?". I took a deep breath,"I know but I don't care". "And I cant tell you everything about me". "Okay we can leave it at that", For now I thought. He smirks, "I wonder what Jays going to say about us". I roll my eyes," Who cares he needs to get over himself". "Frends", he puts his hand out for me to shake. I look at it and bit my lip. "With benefits", I say joking. He smirks,"Don't go giving me ideas". I laughed. I know I suggested this but I couldn't think of how I was going to do it. My feelings were always getting the best of me when it comes to Raygon Falls.He was staring at me still hanging on to his hand. I step back letting go and watch as he puts it in his pocket. "Want to go watch a movie?", He asked not even looking at me. I sigh, and go back to sitting on opposite couches, nearly saying two words to each other, and not even touching. I think not, though I didn't want to, I needed a break from Raygon Falls. I looked down then up at him,"uh Rain check", I say. I knew I had a hurt, look, because I felt hurt. "Yeah, I'll see you around though right?", He asked licking his lips looking around. I could tell he was squirming. "Sure", I say lowly. I climb the water tower and watch him walk home, now I was truly alone, I didn't have Rach, I knew Jay didn't want to talk to me, I never had mom, and now I don't really have Raygon Falls. I couldn't be friends with him I liked him more then that and I thought that maybe I was even in love with him.

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