Chapter 26

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I knew I had to black out, I woke up to the beeping of my IV. I knew I was in a hospital, the smells where making me nauseates. My ribs were stinging in agony. I had a headache the size of the universe. Then I was out again.. Blackness.

Again I woke this time I tried to open my eyes, all I saw was blur. Am I blind I thought to myself, how did I get here what happen. I hear a loud noise sounding like a gun shot. My memories flowed quickly to me. I threw myself up breathing hard and grabbing my head, then my side losing breath.

"Whoa baby, lay back relax", A lady with pink scrubs said, she had to be my nurse. "She's awake!".

All these voices were ringing in my ears making my head feel worst.

"Oh thank God",A worried voice came chiming in I couldn't believe it my mother was by my side. Tears began to sting my eyes.

My mother lays me back down slowly and the nurse hands her a cold rag, she slowly gently wipes my four head pushing my hair back. I kept grabbing my side the pain was getting worst.

"Get my daughter pain meds now!", Mom yells.

"Okay the doctor gave us a okay to injected pain meds through the IV", the nurse says.

I watch as a line of meds goes through my IV into my hand.

"Ita'll kick in soon", She says.

Mom keeps rubbing my head and then It came to me where was he! Where is my Raygon! What happen is he okay! I couldn't bring myself to talk.. I was dried out. I kept looking around and then Doctor came in.

"Ah she's awake! Thats Great!", His voice was so loud you would think after someone just woke up from whatever this was he could be a lot quieter.

"Hello Reeane, I'm Doctor Patterson", he speaks a little bit better or maybe it was just my head starting to get use to the voices. "You were in a coma for 5 days thats why your head hurts, you have a pretty big bump there ".

I touch my bump...5 days! What the hell! Where's Ray!

"And you had to have surgery on your ribs, you had 3 broken rips that's why your side hurts", He smiles. "But you are going to be fine, your pain killers will kick in soon, we have to keep you here longer and a watch to make sure things are good before you go home". He walks out leaving me with my mom. I look around the room. I don't know what it was I guess mothers intereishtion.

"Raygon is in a room two down from here he lost a lot of blood and is weak, his dad is suppose to come

down here to give him some blood", she says.

Tears start to steam down my face, Its been 5days and he still hasn't received any blood!! Where was his dad!! I didn't care about me I wanted to know he was alive. I close my eyes and see he's face and Im breathing hard again all this time! I blame myself for what happen I gave Jordy the information about the ware house. All this time it was him. Its my fault Raygon is close it death two rooms down.

The pain killers were kicking in and i was starting to drift off. Mother kept wiping my face until I saw darkness again.

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