Chapter twenty one

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It was nine when I came out my room to walk to the party, Ray was no where to be found, I walked around back through the field. O could see a light meaning a bon fore out in the field and loud music as I got closer there were beer cans thrown out on the ground, already Eaven was drunk stumbling around, I put my hands in my pocket nervously while looking at at the dangerous weird people standing on the corner by a beaten down truck, usually Id just keep walking and pay no mind but now that I herd what has been going on with Raygon everyone is a threat , I spot a few people making out and a few just laughing and talking, Among them was Racheal and Bobby and as I got closer I saw Jay too. The air smelt of smoke and worst weed I guess you couldn't help what came to your party. "Reeane!!", Racheal screams running up to me hugging me, "Im happy you came", She hands me a bottle of bud, "just for you cause I know you hate drinking out of cansWell Jay bought them for that very reason".

"Jay hates me", I say looking at him as he eyes then talks to Bobby.

"Well not as much as we or you thought", She pops her beer open.

"Its just beer, wheres his girlfriend?", I asked looking around.

"Oh they broke up, she was to needy and a total bitch to him", She sips her beer. She grabs my hand pulling me to the bon fire where Bobby and jay were siting on the tail gate of Jays truck.

Bobby puts his arm around Rach, "Hey Ree,hows it going?", He smiles.

"Good", I lied.

"Shes lieing", Jay says siping his beer.

"Huh", Bobby said.

"Yeah I can tell in her face I knew her since pre k you think Id know", He throws the bootle of beer and grabbed another.

Before I could say anything Rach chimed in,"Hey no fighting tonight you promised", She points at Jay.

I decided Id let Jay have his thought and Id just keep my mouth shut I didn't want to drag to much attention to myself. I look across to a blue honda Maggi was propped agaisnt eyeing Jay I look from her to jay back to her you could swear she had a thing for him but she did call him a dweeb in detention the other day, she spots me and waves me over so I decided to go say hi, "Hey", I say leaning against the truck next to her.

She had pink in her hair now and wore dark ripped jeans with combat boots like mine and a multi colored shirt she was very pretty with her bleach blonde hair and dark eyes.

"Hey, you here with the dweeb", she asked.

"No aim here alone", I say.

"Awh thats to bad ", She smiles. "I thought maybe you had a thing for him".

I laugh and look over at him, "Jay no". He looked right at me I turned and face her.

"Why whats wrong with him?", She asked seeming a little annoyed.

"Nothing he's cute and funny, can be a total ass sometimes but isn't afraid to break a few rules but I just don't feel that way about him, He's my best friend", I frown... He was I thought.

"Well I wish I could get him to notice me like he notices you", She says looking at him laughing.

"Really", I say smiling.

She nods her head.

"I thought you said he was a dweeb", I smile at her.

She laughs," look at him look at me, Im the dweeb".

"Your very pretty Maggi, you should go for it", I tell her.

"Well if its not him, then who is your one and only?", She smiles.

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