chapter eleven

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I slowly make my way to Raygon sitting next to him on the porch. He stares out to the road. "Ree", He starts. "Please don't tell me anything I don't want to hear", I say not even looking at him. He licks his lips. I grab his hand. He still doesn't look at me,"Can we go inside", He says getting up with my hand still in his, we both go inside he sits me down on the opposite couch. I stand up agervated,"Iam not going back to that agian", I move to the door. He stands up, "Wait". I drop my hand from the door is this him trying to break it off with me and not wanting to at the same time, my heart was beating fast and I could feel tears starting to edge my eyes. He quickly looks down. "What Raygon, what tell me what Im not ready to hear but I know its coming". He turns around rubbing his head,"Its just to dangerous". I look at the ground then at the door opening it and slamming it behind me, tears started falling. I hear something being slammed agist the wall like he threw something and broke it. I ran to my house slamming and locking the door. Thats all he had to say and it done me in, he didn't even come after me or finish what he had to say, I knew he would tell me it was over, maybe me and Raygon Falls were to complicated for each other, but the thing was that I didn't care, he knew it was to late to end it with me I had gave him all of me and we were in to deep but he still insisted on hurting me.

I cried myself to sleep that night, flash backs of me and Raygon kept going through my head, that morning as the sun blind me I figured Id meet Rach at ruby's after school for some retail therapy. "So ready to shop? And your right on time", Rach says as i get out my car. I smirk at her and we lock arms. as we walk to our table I run into a dirty blonde guy or man he looked about in his late twenties early thirties, he was nice looking. "Im sorry", He says turning to me then smiles like he knows me. "Hello beautiful", He says handing me my purse that got knocked off my shoulder. "Hi", I say blushing. He turns and smiles at Rachael. "Y'all have a nice day". The way he smiled at me like he knew me, it was so weird, we both watch as he walks away. "Do you know him?", Rach asked. "No I don't think so", I said grabbing us a table. "Well I seen just about everybody in this town and I have never seem him before", she says sitting down. "Anyway so hows you and Raygon?", She smiled. I didn't smile I just shrugged my shoulders. "What happen?", she asked. "Look I don't wanna talk about it can we just eat and get my mind on something else". She settles on that telling me I will tell her later, we both order a burger and fries but I didn't eat much of mine. She spent the whole time talking about Bobby. "Want a pretzel or something", She asked finally shutting up."Yes, I'll meet you after I go in here", I pointed at a vintage store and she made a yucky face, "Good idea". I mostly only wanted to go in that store to get away from her not that I wasn't happy for her I just didn't want to hear all the lovey dove shit at the state of mind I was in Raygon Falls had that effect on me but I also loved old vintage things. I brows through the store when The guy from earlier comes up to me,"You know a pretty girl like you shouldn't be alone", He smiles. I smirk. "Whats your name?", He asked. "You first", I say looking at a old camera. He smirks,"Your Smart, Names Jordy", He puts out his hand for me to shake. I look at it then him, he was very good looking but had a rough look to him kinda like Raygon, his hair was messy and he was wearing a black shirt with a leather jacket and stain wash jeans. I put my hand in his he shakes it lightly. "Your very beautiful?"

"Reeane", I say still with my hand in his.

"Reeane", He said my name as if he already knew it. I move past him looking at more things. "You know I have never seen you here before", I look at him while walking. He smiles,"Im here taking care of some long overdue business". I smirk,"and that tells me?". He laughs, "visiting someone, one of my friends". I could tell he really wasn't telling the whole truth. "And I m not alone". He looks at me funny. "When you said I was to pretty to be alone, Im not Im with a friend of mine". He smiles, "oh right". "I actually have something to get, it was nice talking to you though, Reeane". I smile at him then walk out the store, out of no where Raygon grabs me on my arm hard dragging me to the side of the store. "What are you doing?", I yank my arm from him looking at him like he's stupid. "What the fuck are you doing alone?!", He says almost whispering. "What the hell does it matter and I'm not alone Im with Rachael". His eyes looked fearful and he looked like shit, like he didnt sleep at all last night. "Did anybody try talking to you You don't know?", He asked. "Uh no", I said pausing for a while,"oh there was this one guy----" he interrupted me, "don't talk to fucking any body", He says getting close to my face. "I can talk to whom ever I want". He gets out my face pacing back and forth. "I want to get back together", He says. I start walking away,"Im not playing this shitty game". He grabs me hard and puts me up against the wall lightly. "Stop grabbing on me Ray", I say pushing him away. "Who was the guy?". I try pushing past him,"I don't know". He pushes me back against the wall. "Come on what was his name?". I stare at him, "why are you acting like this?". He shook his head and raised his voice, "what was!--his name", he lowered it back down. "It was Jordan or Jody I don't really remember", i say still starring at him. He licks his lips, "Don't talk to anyone you don't know", He says again as his jaw tightens. I roll my eyes, "whatever", I try moving pass him again. He grabs my arm lightly, "please", he whispers with almost tears in his eyes. I look down at his hand then his eyes , those eyes I'm in love with, and the eyes Im drowning in all the time. He saw the look in my eyes and moved his hand. "Okay", I whisper. He puts his hands in his pockets and walks away I could of swore I saw a tear fall. I don't dare call out his name like I wanted to, Raygon loved to be hidden. "There you are", Rach says. I snap out of it. "Yeah Im sorry I got side tracked", She took my hand as we made our way to my car. We see Raygon on his bike ride by, I watch him till he turns off main. "What the hell is going on with y'all?". I sigh,"nothing Rach". "Nothing my ass", she looks at me agervated. "Rach Im not ready to talk", I sigh getting in my car. She stood there with her arms crossed, I gave her a quick smile before taking off.

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