Chapter twenty five

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1:30 In the morning I'm pacing back and forth in my room and my palms are sweaty, everyone was asleep as well as the rest of the world. I should be on my way there already but I could steal Racheal's keys.

I call Maggi and she says she's come get me, I sneak down the stairs and out the door, I run to the car in front of Racheal's with the head lights off.

"Your lucky I like you kid", She says.

"Thanks, I think", I said making a face.

"Just drop me off a block away I'll walk", I told her as we pull up a road 3 blocks from the abandon ware house.

"I have a bad feeling about this", She says.

"Maggi Maggi Maggi don't be such a spaze I got this, I'll see you at school tomorrow", I tell her as she pulls up at the block.

"Be careful", She says.

"No problem", I close the door and walk backwards flashing her a smile. She looked worried, She sat there and watched me walk for a while then finally left. I could see the ware house from the road, I walked past a old tin building, This is crazy a young girl like me out at 2am, Raygon is insane. I move my way closer the the ware house and spot Raygons bike outside, My nerves finally settle, I put my hands in my pockets. as I make my way to his bike, I touch the leather and run my fingers along the helmet, I remembered being around him and his love affair. I smile alittle but felt so broken.

I look up at the ware house, It was so creepy it made my skin crawl, Oh how Racheal would be spazeing right now. The windows were all busted out and it was dark but maybe a few lights on, Who knew it still had electricity. I walked slowly to the two doubled doors and set my hand on the handle, took a deep breath and pulled, it didn't budge. I put both my hands on the handles pulled still nothing.

"Shit", I said then looked around the side of the building there was a side door wide open. As I walked through the door, The old dilapidated warehouse encased me as I stepped onto the cracked linoleum. The distinctive odor of rats and rusty nails filled the room, ever so cautiously I made my way to the other end, where I saw a light and two flights of stairs, I saw the two floors that would be traveling up. I saw nothing of importance on them, but I received an eerie feeling from looking at them, a shudder and a chill that went from my feet up to my head. Great now I was spazeing out, I mean damn Raygon could'nt of picked a place that didn't question my life, like the water tower by his house, That would have been a lot better. And I'm not the kind to be easily scared.

Just as I reach the light I hear a door slamming, the light that once showed outside was shut. "Raygon", I call out. No answer. My palms began to sweat again, the loud sound of silence was killing me. "Raygon, if your here I'm not playing around, I'm here".

"Looking for someone", A male voice snarled.

I turn around bumping into the shelf behind me. It was the guy from the ally the guy that had transferred to my school.

"Who are you", I say backing up.

"Always with the questions, can't people just take whats coming to them", He smirks.

I heard a gun shot, "What the Fuck is going on?".

He looks up towards the sound then back at me grabbing me by my hair, "You better hope, my Brothers are alive, and your Raygon didn't kill them" then another shot was fired.

I could feel his nails digging into my scull, he throws me against the shelves causing a few things to fall, "I'ts a shame how pretty you are", He says slapping me across the face after brushing it softly. "O well hes gotta pay right", He says them punches me in my left eye, I gasp loudly as another shot was fired.

"Oh I'm sorry did that hurt", He asked grabbing me by my hair picking me up. He threw me against the wall, my head then felt dizzy and stung, I couldn't believe this was happening. He laughs, then kicks my in my sides three times. I felt out of breath, and in agony. Another gun shot went off, He turned to look up I feel behind me for something anything to help me. I wrap my hands around something cold and long, I pull myself up a hit him on the head, knocking him out cold, I drop the metal bar and stable to the shelves knocking more things over. "Shit", I whisper.

I limp to the first flight of stairs, and climb it, I smelt metal I pull my hand over my nose and mouth as it burned, stepping over a guy in a pool of blood. I make my way around the next shelve and almost fall over another dead guy. Tears then begain to run down my face, I turned around backing up looking at the body. I was panicing wondering if Raygon could be one of them, right when I turn around I see a dark figure, holding a gun pointing it at me, as he comes into the light wide eyed with blood on his shirt, the firmilar sweat shirt. "Raygon", I say.

"Reeane! what are you doing here, your face", He lowers his gun.

"You text me", I said.

"I could of shot you, I text you? I didn't text you", He says.

"Then who did?", I said shaking in fear and in pain.

"I did", A male said and two shots were fired.

"Raygon!"I screamed as he hit the ground and watch as a six shooter, a revolver sides over in front of me, I look back at Raygon as he grabs his side bloods is gushing out. Tears ran down my face as I look at the man standing in front of me, All this time it was him, how could I be so stupid all the clues, memories started to flash in my head.

[["You know I have never seen you here before", I look at him while walking. He smiles,"Im here taking care of some long overdue business". I smirk,"and that tells me?". He laughs, "visiting someone, one of my friends". ]]

[["Ha that old bastard Im going to quit soon anyways I just some money for a real six shooter". "A gun?, for what?", I asked. "my friend collects", He smiles weirdly. ]]

[["Well what about the old warehouse anyone goes around there, thinking about maybe renting it out or something like that for a party for him you know".]]

Jordy flashed that same smile at me and smacks his lips at Raygon. "Miss me pretty girl?". he moves toward me, I bend down pick up the revolver and cocked back the hammer.

"Whoa", He says putting his hands up, he seemed to be amused by this.

"Feisty, I like that", He smirks "To bad you could of been mine, I told them I try and get you on our side, but you were to impossible".

I could hear Raygon gasping, I look over to him he was in sweats squinting and making faces.

"Pathetic", Jordy says, "how could you think you would even have a life with him, get married have kids".

I looked at Jordy then Rayon, Jordy moved closer, "Dont you fucking dare, Ill shoot you", I said as spots began to form in my vision.

"That knock on your head looks pretty bad, surprised you don't have a concussion, unlike my brother down stairs", Jordy says smiling.

"Reeane", Raygon whispers then swallows.

"awh, You better make up your mind what going to happen here, Your Baby there is losing to much blood".

I look at Raygon, He squints his eyes and bangs his head on the back wall as if to deal with the pain, then held up two fingers. I look at the gun, I had two shots.

"Enough of this shit, I can't have you no one will", Jordy pulls up the gun to shoot Raygon. I shot him in the leg he stumbled then held the gun to shoot me I then shot him in the chest which happen to be twice, there was no way there where only two bullets left. Jordys eyes stayed on me, I dropped the gun as he fell to his knees.

"Jay", I said then more spots blurred my vision, Raygon catches me before I hit the ground. Jay ends up on the other side. "Maggi call 911", Jay yells as Maggi runs in with a fearful face. Jay tosses her his phone.

"Ree baby, stay with us", I could hear Raygons voice.

I don't know how much longer it was but I was being lifted onto a stretcher. "Just go leave me", Raygon says.

"Are you fucking tripping, Ree would never forgive me if I'd leave you here", Jay says.

"Your going to be ok", Maggi says touching my hand. It then became harder and harder to hear.

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