Chapter seven

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It had been 5 days. Saturday I watched tv all day and took a cold shower, Sunday I had to sit alone at church getting glares from just about everyone. Monday and tuesday at school was the worst so slow and No call from anyone not even Raygon. He was prolly upset with me that I wasn't even trying but why try when it wasn't what I wanted. Tuesday after school People that walked by were whispering about me as I sat under the garage. I just rolled my eyes then I herd a loud truck drive up, it was Jay. My heart began to beat fast as he slams the door. I took a deep breath standing up. "Tell me this fucking shit isn't true!", He says

angrily looking over to Raygon's house. "Does it matter", I say crossing my arms.

"Of course it fucking matters, just tell me the shit isn't true!," He yells throwing his hands up. "I don't know who the fuck you think you are, your suppose to be my friend, your not my boyfriend".

"Exactly so you'd think you would have told me so I could tell you how insane you are!", He yells. I looked over to Raygons, He was watching from the window. "What do you want me to tell you now Jay?".

"That it isn't true!", He yells again.

"Well I cant!", I snapped. He became more pisst. "Well go play bonnie and clid with Raygon Falls I don't give a fuck anymore, you do want you want no one gives a shit about you any more", He yells. I herd Raygon walk onto his porch, tears began to form in my eyes. "Your throwing this at me because I hung out with Raygon".

"You don't deserve anyone if your going to be with that killer, your putting every one in danger but not to mention yourself", He yells.

"And how do you know that?!", I yelled with tears falling down my face,"by shit that you made up?".

"Damn it Reeane you don't even know him, no one knows him I just know by what I herd he's bad news, but I don't give a fuck do what you want", He rubs his head walking to his truck slamming the door taking off. I throw myself down in the chair and put my hands to my face. I knew I could handle this if i was where I wanted to be that sooner or later I could get everyone to see how truly great Raygon Falls could be, but he caught me at a sad state of mind, I was weak. I see black boots in front of me I lift my head to see Raygon standing there with his hoodie on, his deep blue eyes were lost. "Your going to let him fucking talk to you like that?", He asked. I just put my head back in my hands. "I was ready for this, he just caught me at a bad time".

"What the hell are you talking about?", He pulled my head out my hands. I stood up pulling back from him. He made a face surprised. "I wasn't in the right state of mind".

"So your going to let him talk to you like shit?".

"He's just worried about me", I say wiping my face.

"He still shouldn't talk to you like that", He snapped.

"Shut up Raygon", I snapped. "Your the reason I'm in this state of mind, your the one thats hurting me, after all we been Through its about being friends".

"I don't know if it is even that, you haven't talk to me in days", He says looking out to the field.

"I cant just be your friend Raygon", I say still in tears. His jaw flexed as he turn to me with tears in his eyes. "I know". He starts to walk away from me.

"Don't!!--- ", I yelled in a shaking voice, "walk away from me", I finished off. He stops in his tracks.

"Let me get something straight, I came into your life without giving a shit about what is true and what isn't, you could of killed a got damn army and I still wouldn't of gave shit because it was in your past, and they say if you care and I mean truly care about someone you accept their past but you still push me away and never tell me why you are the way you are, I don't get that, Raygon I understand you haven't been with a girl in a long time but you don't even try and I know its killing you, I can tell", I say crying. "Just stop", He says trembling, I could tell he was crying. He breaths uneasy. "Im trying to protect you".

"From what?", I asked.

"I don't even know, just in case", He whispers. He grabs my arm dragging me into the trees and near the water tower and paces back and forth.

"Raygon your sort of scaring me whats wrong?", I asked. He just stared at me still crying. "Me and a buddy of mine were always getting in trouble, messing with the cops, vadorlizing property, and getting in fights, smoking pot shit like that. Well we were 16 just kids into trouble, one night my buddy he was running from some guys way older then us, they say he owed them money", He started shakeing and ran his hands threw his hair turning away from me,"He owed them for some drugs he bought, He was yelling my name when I ran outside of another buddy of ours house to meet him I couple of hits in but I herd a gun shot right there in my face----"..

"Raygon you dont---", I was in tears.

"Stop let me finish", he says crying. "He was shot, I ran up to him holding him there in my arms he said he was sorry he died right there, they left the gun there a revolver, So I chase the guy that killed him and when I got to him, I beat him senseless and shot him-----", He was trembling. "He was my best friend, and I tried to get the blood off my hands I tried, it wouldn't come off", He dropped to the ground in sobs. I ran up to him dropping to my knees wrapping my arms around him, he grabbed on tight to me crying and trembling. "Im sorry", I whispered. He whipped his face moving away from me standing up. "One of the guys saw me and told me he'd come find me and kill me and all my loved ones". "Reeane", he grabs my face lightly,"I don't think I could live with myself if something would happen to you, I push you away because of that too, I'm scared one day they come".

"But its been 3 almost 4 years", I say. He takes a deep breath."these guy are crazy they will stop at nothing hit when you least expect it".

"If people would know the truth----"

He stops me,"if people knew the truth they would think they could get close to me then shit might happen". He grabs my hand, "Don't you see, I'am bad news and thats why I don't go with you in town anywhere or want to get close to you".

"It---its to late for that", I say feeling like I was going to cry again.

He swallows hard and looks away then back at me, his deep blue eyes were Hurt and drowned out. "I know, Ree I care about you so much and I wish I could go back and change who I was back then, so we could be a normal couple and I could actally treat you right,but I cant", He puts his four head to mine. He lips tremble as he moves closer to kiss me, I wrap my arms around his neck as his lips move slowly with mine, he moves from there resting his head on my shoulder. "Stay with me tonight?", He whispers.

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