Chapter nine

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I woke up to him still sleeping. I smile at how cute he looked. He opened his eyes alil and smiled at me. "How long you been up?", He asked sleepily.

"Not long", I whisper. He moves my hair out my face kissing me on the four head as I scooted closer. My phone on the dresser started to ring, I jumped out of bed almost falling over, he laughed at me as I gave him a evil look. My eyes grew big. "Its Rachael", I look at him. He shrugs his shoulders putting his arms behind his head.

"Hello?", I say.

"Ree I need my best friend back"

"Rach you never lost me".

Raygon rolls his eyes.

"Your with him right now aren't you?", She asked me. I look at him and he sits up. "Yes".

She was quiet for a while."I want to see you, I don't care any more that y'all are friends". I took a deep breath , "we are actually more then friends". He rolls his eyes and gets up looking at me like I'm stupid. "What", I lip talk so she wouldn't hear. He just walks out the room. "Oh", She says. "Yeah", I say siting on his bed. "Well I don't care I want to see you, come to the coffee shop before school". I was quiet for a while. "Okay, give me twenty minutes", I hung up and took a deep breath getting up to see where Ray went, I found him watching tv. "Im going to meet her at the coffee shop", I say putting my shoes on so I could run home to change. He rolls his eyes looking at me stupid. "What Raygon!", I drop my foot. "After what she said, your going meet her?".

"She was worried about me", He gives me a look,"now she wants to see me". He gives me a blank stare,"She's been my best friend since I was in pre k".

"And since when are we a couple?". He asked still staring at me. I slammed my hand on the table grabbing my purse. "Last night", I said. He got quiet and a smirk came to his lips. "So that indicated that we are together", he raised his eye brows. Now he was being a perv. "Shutup!", I said walking to the door. He stands up and walks to me slowly and grabs my face kissing me softly. "Becarefull", He says opening the door for me.

I got to the coffee shop a little pass twenty minutes but Rach wasn't mad, she had tears in her eyes."Im sorry about everything She said Im just worried about you, and I'm sorry for telling Jay". I sighed,"thats why he came over yelling at me". She started to cry. "Rach its ok", I tell her. "I just don't want my best friend getting hurt", She wipes her face. "Raygon isn't going to hurt me, If you knew his story you would sorta think different of him, he told me everything".

"And you trust him?", she asked.

"With all of my heart".

She took a breath,"Then I trust you that you know what your doing".

"Thank you", I say handing her a napkin. She hugs me. Jay comes in mugging me. "Well at least he's not bugging you to date him anymore". I look at him,"Yeah well I still miss my Jay". Him and Bobby walk out, as Bobby takes a look at Rach and she quickly looks down. "Whats up with you and Bobby?", I ask as more tears fall down her face. "Rach what happen?".

"I don't even know", She cried. "We all got into it about you and Raygon, Jay didn't think me wanting to be your friend again was a good idea, next day Bobby calls me and says he thinks we should break up, I think Jay told him to". I sighed and looked at her pistt off,"That doesn't surprise me, Jay thinks he can boss everyone around". She sniffles,"I really care about Bobby though , I think I may even love him". I put my hand on hers,"He will come around Rach". She looks at me blankly. "Do you love Raygon falls?". I look around, "If we are going to talk about Raygon it has to be in private". She nodded her head as I grab her arm heading for my car, I know I shouldn't tell her this but she was my best friend and I knew she wouldn't say anything if she knew the truth. We both close the doors locking them. I tell her the whole story about when Raygon was young and his friend and what happen by the time I was done she was crying. "I had no idea, I would of done the same for you", She says. "Dido", I say with tears in my eyes. "Rach I love Raygon more then words can describe, he can drive me crazy and be such a awkward asshole sometimes but he makes me happy sometimes too". She nods her head,"He's cute too",she said being the best friend that I love. "He's got an amazing body too". she covered her mouth laughing in shock,"You didn't?!". I laugh covering my face nodding my head. "How was it loving that bad boy, you always said you wanted to find yourself a bad boy".

I bit my lip. "That good?", She laughed. "Shutup!", I slapped her arm. "You know some people would prolly really give Raygon a break if he'd tell everyone what truly happen".

"No, you cant tell anyone Rach promise me", I didn't tell her about the part when the guy said he'd come after Ray and whoever, because I knew it would worry her. "I promise", She says smiling, "Im so glad were friends again".

"Me too", I hug her back. We didn't talk long cause we had to get to school, she talked and ate lunch with me while Jay and Bobby sat at a totally different table I could tell Rach had to keep a fake smile on all day, I couldn't believe Jay could stoop this low.

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