Chapter thirteen

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I wake up to my phone ringing as always Rach calling me, Raygon streches making cute noises."Tell her to go away". I smirked answering the phone. "Hey Rach".

"Come meet me and Bobby at the Cafe later tonight its open mic night". I look at Raygon, "Uh maybe so,Ill let know you".

"Yay, kk text me later".

"Okay", I say hanging up the phone.

Raygon smiles at me, "Come here". He pulls me close facing him sending chills over me. His body felt warm to me, It made me smile. "You are so beautiful". I felt myself blush, "and you are so full of shit". He hugs me tighter geting closer to my lips, "You are", He says before kissing me , his kiss tasted perfect his lips were so soft I loved kissing Raygon Falls more then anything in the world. We were both breathing hard after stoping. He pulls me to lay on his chest i turn on my stomach, putting my chin on his chest instead smiling up at him. "What did Rach want?", He asked. I roll my eyes,"for me to go to the cafe tonight, its open mic night". He smirks,"You going sing?".

"Hey I can play and sing, you just never herd me", I pluck his nose. "Ouch", he says rubbing it,"Well are you going to go?". I sigh,"I don't know". He smiles, "I'll still be here when you get back baby". I felt myself blush again, he just called me baby, Im his baby. "You cute when you blush", he says plucking my nose. "Hey that hurt", I rub it. "Uhuh you see", He laughs.

"Okay Ill go, as long as I get to spend the day with you, moms at work so I thought we'd go to my house". He smiles nodding his head. I jump out the bed he slaps me on the butt. "Hey watch it!", I said giggling. "Where you going?", he asked. I pull him out of bed, "Put a shirt on and jeans". He jumps up grabbing some ripped jeans and a white T-shirt. "No baby wear the black one", I say not even thinking. He just stood there starring at me, then that sexy side grin came to his face, He grabs my waist pulling me close to him, I smiled putting my arms around his neck. "You like the black one baby", he smirks then kissed my lips, he lets go grabbing the black shirt out the drawer, pulling the white one off his muscles moved making me want him right there Damn he was so good looking. I smirk at him then go take out my jeans from the dryer slipping them on along with my panties.

We laughed pushing each other on the door frame because we couldn't both fit through the it, it was almost like we were in a movie. He puts his arm around me then drops it as some people walk by, his smile then turned into a frown and tries hiding his face. I slowly slip my hand in his intertwining my fingers through his. He looked down at my hand that was now in his then back at my face, a little smile came across him,"Come on", I pull him to my house. I close the door after him locking the door, "Its not much". He looks at me stupid,"the only reason mine looks like a celebrity lives there is because my dad pays for it all trying to seem like he still cares, this is how a house should be", He acwardly puts his hands in his pocket. "Oh I didn't mean---", I started. "Ree", He says trying to change the conversation . "Want to see my room", I ask. He smirks,"Is that a invite?". I slap him,"stop being such a perv". He laughs following me up the stairs to my room. I watch as he walks around it looking at all the pictures of me and Rach and some of me and Jay. He moves to my night stand picking up the picture of me and my dad. "This is your dad?". I grab the picture lightly from him. "Yes, you would of loved him, he wouldn't of cared about what people said just as long as I was happy, he would of loved you too". I set it back down. "Is that why you do all those crazy things?", He asked looking at the picture of my little family that was once together. "What do you mean?", I asked leaning against the wall. "You know all the trouble you get into". I smirk, "Its only getting into trouble if you get caught, and if your asking if I do it for attention thats a no". He sits on my bed, "then why you do it?.

"For kicks", I say smiling, "besides my mom never says anything about it when she finds out, she never even notices me doing anything, so it would be pointless to do it for attention".

He looks at me with a straight face,"why doesn't she pay attention". I sigh not really wanting to talk about it,"I don't know, she is always working its been like that since I was seven I'm use to it, I think she does it because she never really moved on when my dad died, she uses it in a way so she doesn't have to stop and think about him". He looked outside then back at me,"Maybe thats why you do the things you do".

"No Raygon I do the things I do to feel things, I climb the water tower not just because its illegal but because I can go up there and think feel or say what I want and no one is around to tell me otherwise, I do the other things because I believe the world should be filled with art and if that means i have to paint the walls so be it, and the other things just for kicks, you only live once I mean are you going to sit there and be originally boring or originally outstanding and wild.". He smirked at me, "You are truly something else. I smile rolling my eyes "So Ive heard". He looks around, "you have a guitar?".

"Uh yes but Its at Rachaels", I say. He nodded his head. We both turned to my door when we heard someone walk into my house. "Ree?", My mom calls me. "Oh shit", I whisper. He gets up starting to freak out. "What the fuck, I thought you said she wasn't coming home till late?". I look at him rudely, "Don't be such a jerk, she isn't suppose to be home". I hear her coming up the stairs. "So we can do this two ways I let her see you and not give a shit or you hide in the closet", I whisper putting on my tv. He moves fast to my closet closing himself inside. "Of course", I whisper. "Im up here mom, just woke up from a nap".

She walks in,"I was just letting you know I wont be home till tomorrow, I had to come home to get more clothes, Im showing a house out of town". She stops and looks around my room,"It smells like boy perfume".

"Perfume mom?".

"Cologne whatever do you have a boy in here ".

"No Jay came visit thats prolly what you smelling".

She takes one last look, "Okay, stay safe and don't go to the Falls house".

I roll my eyes,"yeah mom I get you". She kisses me on the head leaving.

I really wouldn't of cared if she would of seen Raygon in here, she needed to get over herself. I hear her close the door. "Shes gone you can come out, if it was up to me she would had to shut the fuck up and got over it". He looks at me stupid, "Are you fucking stupid?".

"No asshole, what is your problem", I say. He looks at the ground then at me,"Im sorry, I don't know why I get like that. I take a deep breath moving to the window. I didnt know how this was going to work hiding him from mom. He rubs his head,"what you want to do?". I look at him then back out the window. "Look I told you I was sorry what else do you want me to do?". I look back at him,"If we are going to be together she should know". His eyes grew wide,"Thats fucking insane, lets just put more people in danger". I stare at him. "I don't even know why I even came here, we should of stayed at my house, This is bullshit, your mom cant know shit about us Reeane, you understand me?", He snapped.

"You could just leave because I don't deserve this shit your giving me", I snapped back at him. He walks to my room door, "I mean it Ree don't tell your fucking mom!", he snarls. I felt my cheeks start to flush, and I was trying not to be a real bitch. "She'll lose it, and I'm not going to stick around to hold you when she tells you what bullshit she thinks about you and me, you know you'd be in a fucking horrid "state of mind" and I don't have the care for her or your shit", He says.. I had tears in my eyes I never knew why he could just be down right hateful sometimes, I was so angry. He stares at me as his face changed cause he saw I was about to cry. "Get the fuck out!", I yell at him. I pushed him out my room and slammed the door. "Ree!", he says from the other side trying to open the door after I locked it. "Im a Fuck up". He slams his fist lightly on the door. "Just go away Ray", I say wiping tears of frustraightion from my face. I hear his back hit my bed room door and him slide to the ground, I made my way to the bathroom running a hot bath it was quiet, to quiet. All of a sudden Raygon come into the bathroom and just stares at me. "Ree please I didn't me---".

"Dont give me that shit", I interrupt him,"If you didn't mean it you wouldn't of said it".


"Just go away Ray", I say. He moves closer to me trying to grab my hand, I move away from him pulling it away.

"Damn it!", He says walking out. I move to my bedroom window quickly to watch him walk to his house. I don't understand what his problem is or why he has to be like that, sometimes he makes me happy other times he makes me want to punch him in the face. I walk back to my bathroom stoping the water, taking a hot bath would surely relax me for a while and I had to wash my hair for tonight.

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