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"Chiasa... From this day forth, you shall never see your father, Tsukiyomi. He has committed a horrendous deed of murder. My child, if you seek your father, I will kill you." The great Sun goddess, Amaterasu, cooed softly to her toddler daughter as she walked carrying her into the dawning sunlight. Chiasa looked over the shoulder at the Shadowy figure she knew as her father. He watched on with a revengeful gaze.

I tell a tale of a mother's wounded heart. And a daughter's unending love for creature's of light and dark.

Shortly thereafter, the Princess descended to Earth every night while her mother slept to see the humans and demons of night. These were the beings her father had come to nurture. That was when the Princess met a powerful demon, Toga.

"And what is a deity such as yourself doing here?" The demon raised a white brow. A younger version with a crescent moon on his forehead followed, similar to her age of 12.

"I come here to see my father, or try to find him, but he never comes down to see me." She pointed to the moon.

It was at this point that the great demon, Toga, realized that this was the legendary daughter of Amaterasu and Tsukiyomi.

"Ah, you seek the Man in the Moon?" Toga smiled forcefully, hiding his son behind him.

"Yes! Do you know my Daddy?!" She beamed. The demon gripped her shoulders and gave her a quick look.

"You must never call his name. He is a crazed god from above. You'd do right not to call him." Toga smiled slightly.

"Why not? I am never going back to the Sun. I much rather stay here." She pouted. Toga looked to the skies before quickly ushering the children back to an abandoned shrine.

"My name is Chiasa. What's yours?" The glowing girl asked. The young demon folded his arms with a firm frown before his father nudged him.

"I am Sesshomaru, the next, most greatest demon." He firmly replied.

"I most certainly am lucky to meet such a strong demon my age as a goddess. Nice to meet you too, Mr. Toga!" The girl smiled.

The weather took a turn for the worse. Some days became unbearable with the sun, whereas the Sun was clouded or barely visible. The great goddess, Amaterasu, was troubled about her missing daughter.

It was at the crossing of the horizons that Amaterasu met on ground with her past lover, Tsukiyomi.

"Where is my daughter?" Amaterasu hissed.

"Your daughter? Your daughter? Do not forget Amaterasu that she is also my flesh and blood." He smirked evilly.

"Momma?" A little girl wandered out from the shadows of the night, demon scent very prominent. The scent of imprintment. Amaterasu looked disgusted and ashamed.

"Chiasa! How dare you?! You betray your kindred! From now on, I banish you to this mortal realm and eternal damnation with humankind!" Amaterasu retreated reluctantly into the sky.

"Mommy!" The girl cried out, reaching for the retreating sun as it disappeared. Tsukiyomi smirked and stalked towards Chiasa.

"Come her my sweet, sweet little child. You carry some of my power which I need to destroy your mother. Come here..." Tsukiyomi licked his lips as drool pooled from his fangs. She froze and could not move before Toga jumped in front of her. A clawed hand had managed to stab itself into his gut, but he seemed unaffected.

"Father!" Sesshomaru ran out.

"Filthy demon. Remove yourself out of this business." Tsukiyomi growled.

"I have seen enough of this. This child of yours goes unloved which I'm strongly against. I've just sealed you within her, never to return." Toga glowed brightly.

The tale is rather forgotten up to this point. Unfortunately, Chiasa died from a heartbreak of her parents' rejection of her. In her death, to ensure her sure reincarnation and return, Toga marked her forehead with a crescent shape similar to his son.

"Sweet child of a 1000 mornings... When you return to this world, after my time, I promise my son's hand in marriage to you. My allies and friends must see this alliance between Celestial and Normal beings." Toga whispered to the dying body of Chiasa.

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