2. Connor Anthony

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You should've seen the tension in Connor's shoulders. He couldn't even look at me without having some form of uneasiness hidden in his eyebrows.

When he was nervous about something, his nose would scrunch up and he'd try his hardest not to look at me just so I couldn't tell what was going through his head.

Just as he'd parked his truck around the corner from Grace's house-- he held his breath. The street was crowded with other cars and they were all, most-likely, for her.

Last time we'd shown up to one of her parties, it wasn't near as popular. She must've met a lot of people in the past few months.

I nudged Connor on shoulder and told him he was being rediculous. There wasn't much to worry about. At a party that crowded-- it would be scarier to get lost than to be found by someone like Grace.

"Nobody's going to recognize you." I laughed staring over at him.

"Why do you say that?"

I took a moment and quickly thought of something. I was quick enough to throw my hair into a bun and then reach over and tousle his hair out of place. He made an interesting face then messed up my hair in return. I guess he didn't understand. "What the hell was that for?" He laughs, trying to fix the stray strands that hung over his forehead.

I stopped him and brushed them to a mess again, "We need to look different. The fact that we both naturally look like we spend our weekends in a library... doesn't make us blend in with a party very well."

He looked a little less tense and takes another glance in the rear-view mirror.

I took his arm to grab his attention once more, "Who knows, maybe you'll meet a new friend...?" He sighs, uneasily... then I continued in a more sarcastic and teasing voice, "Or a lady friend."

"Okay, okay. Let's just go."

I practically squealed and exstatically jumped out of the car, "You are going to have a taste of a little alcohol and you are going to like it." I joked.

He bumped against my side with his arm and I skipped in front of him, "You know, if I could have your confidence, I would be on TV by now."

"I know," I said, walking backwards, "Maybe you just have to fake it."


We didn't even have to knock. There was already a mob of people trying to squeeze through the door with a cooler in one hand.

I could already tell that this would lead to a pool of alcohol and drugs that I would try my best to avoid. For sure, I would never go near the drugs. But the alcohol was kind of a basic, needed factor for a highschool party.

Connor had his hands on my shoulders and directed me aroudn certain people. He was just trying to lead me to a place where I could avoid any drama or touble. He, obviously didn't know me well enough to know that I would probably go around and start talking to strangers.

He was rambling things into a whisper. I didn't understand any of them, but I could imagine that they were safety percautions he was reviewing outloud. I was ready to double over laughing, "Connor," I chuckled and turned to face him once we were on the opposite side of the house, "You need to relax."

"I can't." He muttered, trying for the millionth time to fix his hair from the mess I'd created with it.

"Yes you can."

He didn't even look at me after that. He scanned the room with his wide and worried eyes and shook at the sight of anyone who could have even resembled Grace's appearance.

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