12. Simplicities

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Connor nearly had a skip in his step, and almost everything he'd say was intentionally directed towards Addison.

I just wanted to know what ever the hell she did. She changed his entire perspective in les than 5 seconds.

"I feel like I can do anything." He laughs and jumps off the shallow curb like a toddler.

I watched him. He seemed so happy, suddenly.

"And you two won't tell me what happened?"

Addison sticks her hands in her pockets and looks over at Connor. He stops whatever he was doing and tries to remotely be serious.
But neither of them had an answer.

I was clueless.

"I just want to know what happened, that's all. Obviously, whatever you did was a miracle worker."

He blushed and stared at his feet.

Okay, at that point, I was drowning in confusion.

But neither of them said a thing.
I was completely lost. I was trying not to beg for the answer... so I started to get a little frustrated, "The three of us have only been together for a little more than a week and you guys already have two secrets,"

Their smiles faded again.
Whatever I said must've struck them harshly.
I was a almost glad it did, "I don't know if you realize it, but I'm kinda third-wheeling this new group."

Addison steps forward, "Don't say that. We just--"

I completed her sentence for her, "--have a good reason not to tell me, I know."

"Skylar, don't get upset..." Connor murmured. His shoulders were lowered after the conversation began.

"I'm not upset!" I raised my voice.

There was a silence that proved in obviousness, "Okay, I'm upset... but if you guys just tell me either what happened in that elevator, or whatever the hell happened with Tyler, we can get on with our lives and I can pretend it never happened."

Connor lowers his chin. He had this respectful, innocent way of explaining things, "It wouldn't be that easy."

I had no idea what he was trying to say. But they both knew every detail so clearly.

I shook my head, rolling my eyes and looking away from the both of them.

"Whatever," I turned away from them and opened the door to his truck so I could sit in the back, "I'm fine with being a third wheel."

Yes, I understand how over-dramatic I was acting, but I couldn't stand the idea of my best friend ever keeping a secret from me. Especially more than one.

They silently joined me in his car and he started the engine. They didn't even look at each other, let alone me.

To whatever I said, it must've locked their minds to it.

In no intentional purpose to destroy Connor's fear-facing moment.

But even though he was sulking, there was still that little spark in his eyes that said he was proud of himself.


"Guess who's next..." Connor grinned, sheepishly as we entered my bedroom.
Addison groaned and purposely fell onto my mattress, "Me."

Connor nodded, with his attitude back up and running, "When do you think you can do it?" He sits down beside her and watches her adjust her hair again.

"He's never home on weekdays, so we should try Saturday."

Connor pursed his lip, "That'd be three days from now."

She lets out a sharp sigh, "I know..."

I joined beside them... but silently. I didn't want to interrupt anything. Along, if they had anything to say to me or about me.

Connor nudges her arm, "It'll be easier than you think," he smiles, "and when it's over, you'll have all this weight off your shoulders."

"You think so?" She smiled at him.


I watched them. The way they looked at each other was different than normal. Normally they looked at each other as
if they had some kind of middle school crush... but now, Connor looked at her almost the way he would look at me.

But Addison didn't change. She still had that longing look in her eye when she saw him sitting right next to her.

I was so lost to whatever was going on.
And to whatever I missed out on.

"Can I just tell her?" Connor chuckles trying to convince her with his eyes.

"About Tyler or what happened in the elevator?"

He moved his face away from her for a second. As if she'd just said something stupid.

"Don't tell her either of them." She smiled, suspiciously.

Now I was lost.

The Tyler situation was serious and they always seemed to be so frustrated when I mentioned it. But whatever happened in the elevator must've been a joke.

Between the moment as Connor just stared at each of us, he noticed a silence. I didn't want to speak unless I knew some answers.

So he speaks out, "What are you planning to say to Anthony?"

She scrunches her nose up just so she could think. I could tell she already had something in mind, she just wasn't sure about it, "I don't know... I think I'm going to have to just say what comes in to mind when I see him."

"And what do you think that'll be?"

She chuckled, breathlessly, "Quite a few swear words, a slap in the face, and after I cross that point... maybe I'll just talk to him."

He starts laughing mid-sentence, "You think that after you slap and cuss out someone you can some average conversation afterwards?"

She slowly and awkwardly nodded, "With Anthony, yes."

"Then go right ahead."

I glanced at the two of them for a final time. By the way they were looking at each other, just simply watching them was irritating.

I scratched my head, and made my way across the room so I could tie my hair up and mentally declare the day to be over.

They watched.

I had this kind of frustration gathered in me as I did so, "You know, eventually, I'm going to have to know."

Connor murmured, "You will... just not by us."

I turned and leaned my palms against the surface of the dresser, "What does that even mean?"

"Someone else will tell you."

I rolled my eyes and continued to change my body language in order to get my point across, "And what if they never do?"

Connor glances over at Addison, who was sensing the tension... then he peers back at me, "They will," he said, nicely, "I promise."

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