8. What's New

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The screaming was sent down to a minimum. Everyone was calm and the only people left were the ones who planned to stay all night... including us. The day felt cut in half. Hours felt like minutes... and before we knew it, the stars were already beginning to show.

Addison was the first to point that out. She smiled and threw an arm in the air, "Make a wish!" She squeals.

Connor looks at her, smiling... and I watched, "Why?"

"You see that star?" She says, "Ever since I was little I've always picked the brightest star I could find and made a wish on it."

Connor swung his feet. He'd seemed so much more drawn into what she had to say, "What do you wish for?"

She shrugs, "Same thing every time... You just have to pick something you really want and go for it."

"And what would that be?"

She tilted her head to one side and sneakily taps him on the nose, "Ah, but that's the fun part. You can't tell a soul."

I silently absorbed everything she said. And noted it.
She was so wise and had such a shining personality. I envied that. I could tell how much that meant to Connor. He was so suddenly lost in the stars.
As was I.

I chose the one I wanted... and thought I could come up with something....
I thought as thoroughly and as detailed as I could manage...

...but nothing...

I didn't have one thing I could think of that I'd desperately wish for.

I tried again.
Then again.

But there was nothing I could even falsely think of...

I didn't say a word about it, either.

I glanced over at them... while Addison had her cheeks rosy and Connor's eyes were shut tightly. They were both trying to think of something as well.

I just watched them.
I had nothing better to do while my mind drew a deep blank.

"Done." Connor smiles and stares at his feet.

Addison took an extra second and then folded her arms, "What'd you wish for?" She lifted her shoulders.

Connor purses his lip, pretending to be disappointed, "Ah, but that's the fun part... you can't tell a soul."


Connor insisted-- as the night rolled completely into a calming mood-- that we'd get onto the Ferris Wheel. Because the Fair was no longer as crowded as it was, they didn't care much if we'd stayed in our cart for as long as we pleased.

I was surprised Connor even had the courage to look at something as "treacherous" as the Ferris Wheel, again. But he was completely ecstatic to step onto it and act like it didn't bother him at all.

It was dark, and as we'd explained, The Ferris wheel was more amazing at night.

He just wanted to know what he was missing.

We all riskily say on one side of a gondola, making it tip to one side.

Connor adjusts in between us before the wheel starts moving, "I don't think this'll work," He laughs.

I sighed and stood up, moving to the other side, "I'll just be the loner again."

Addison laughed. She opened her mouth as if she was going to offer my her spot, but then she glanced at Connor and didn't say anything.

Connor looks up at me, giving me puppy-dog eyes, "You get the seat to yourself. Kick your feet up, relax." He had the sarcastic tone of a therapist.

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