Chapter 3

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"Lily, no!" Bucky yelled as you pushed him to the ground, shielding him from the Hydra sniper who had escaped the fort.

"Hey Cap, looks like your little g-man was right about the whole place being rigged with explosives. Get back to the jet now" Tony's voice rang through the comms. Steve quickly picked you up and carried you aboard the Quinjet just as an explosion is heard on the distance.

Steve looked down at you're sleeping form in shock. You were supposed to have died the same night Bucky fell off the train. He had been next to you when you got shot. He held you in his arms as died, coughing up blood and clinging to his arm in the back of a Hydra munition depot. Losing you only a week after Bucky was one of the hardest things Cap had ever gone through and now, there you were bleeding and unconscious in his arms all over again.

Bruce Banner quickly assessed your wounds  "She's got 3 gunshot wounds. Two in the abdomen and one in the shoulder. She's lucky doesnt look like any organs were irreparably damaged." Steve cradled your head in his hands the whole ride back and soon you were resting comfortably in a hospital room not far from Avengers Tower.

Bucky had seemed pretty shaken ever since he first found out you were alive. Not saying much to Steve or anyone else he spent most of the time in his room or talking to Steve in hushed tones.

-4 days later-

You're stayin alive, stayin alive
Feel the city breakin
and everybody's shakin
you're stayin alive, stayin alive
Ah ah ah ah stayin alive, stayin alive
Ah ah ah ah stayin alive

The horribly catchy song drifts through your mind as you slowly become aware of your surroundings.

2 windows
1 door
Air vent in right corner
1, 2, no 4 possible weapons
3 escape route possibilities
1 possible hostage

You eye the 17 year-old boy slumped in the chair next to your bed suspiciously. The annoyingly relevant song leaking from his airpods.  "What day is it?" You ask taking a shot in the dark that you're still in America.

"Oh uh its Tuesday, ma'am" Peter Parker stuttered, taking out his earbuds. You recognized him from the many sheild files you had surfed in your spare time last summer. "Mr.Stark and the others will be dropping by soon to visit you now that you're awake."

"What happened?"

"I dunno ma'am, Mr.Stark just said that you were helping on a mission and I was to let them know when you woke up"


Looks like you'd have to face them a lot sooner than planned. If they caught wind of just how much you've infiltrated their systems, who knows what they'd do to you, plus the idea of reuniting with Bucky and Steve wasnt exactly a part of your past you wanted to relive.

Ghosts of memories that clung to your mind, refusing to let go.

To let you go.

-flash back-
1943, german hydra munitions depot

The ringing in your ears got louder, penetrating everyblart of your mind and resonating in all your senses. You fought the urge to go to sleep.

"Hey hey hey Lily no don't do this! Keep your eyes on me stay with me doll" Steve's face was becoming just a shadow as his voice echoed somewhere in the distance. "You're gonna be alright hang in there" the darkness enfolded you like sweet honey as you sunk deeper.

Sweet darkness

*smol time skip*

"Dieser lebt noch. Bring sie in die Zelle und bereite den roten Raum vor"

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