Chapter 24

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-Avengers Tower-

"But can you stick to a non-stick pan?" Clint waved his spoon at the spiderdling who was currently hanging upside down from the ceiling philosophically before taking another bite of his frosted flakes.

Bucky interjected from across the counter, "Mmm! Good point! And what about that waxy paper stuff that Steve always bakes with??"

"You mean wax paper?" Sam looked at Bucky incredulously.

"Yeah that stuff!!"

"Man how the hell you've managed to stay alive for 70 years is beyond me" Sam tossed a napkin at the winter soldier.

Peter shrugged, "I dunno guys if I sticks, i sticks". The others all nodded in solemn understanding as Steve ran into the room, almost crashing into the sofa on his way to the kitchen and interrupted their philosophical lunch.

"SHE'S COMING HOME TODAY!!" Captain America slid his phone across the counter to the others to show them Lily's text from just a few minutes ago.

Lily: hey Cap!! Coming home today and bringing a guest. See you at 1 :)

"She's coming back? LILY'S COMING HOME!" Peter hopped off the ceiling and ran to facetime Kita who was out getting groceries with Nat.

"1 o'clock that's in.. that's in 10 minutes!" Sam immediately took charge, making everyone clean and straighten up for Lily's arrival. Everyone was in such a frenzy preparing for her that no one seemed to notice the redhead when she popped her head out of the elevator and walked into the lounge with a tall, nervous looking brown haired man.

"Here put this in the closet will ya?" Bucky ran past Lily and handed her the vacuum without even looking up. The soldier did a double take as his buddy Steve ran past with a yell and scooped her up in a bear hug.

"Lily!! Oh my gosh we've missed you what happened??"

"Woah easy there Rogers let the girl breath for a minute before we lock her up" Tony flew into the room in full armour. He wasn't taking any chances of losing track of her this time.

Lily looked slightly uncomfortable as Steve put her down. She straightenef her jacket stiffly before introducing the stranger next to her.

"Guys this is-" "WHERE IS SHE?!?!"

Lily was once again cut off, this time being knocked off her feet by a glowing ball of fire and blinded curls. The flames went out to reveal a very furious and very relieved Kita clinging to Lily, rendering the redhead immobile.

"Dont you dare ever. EVER LEAVE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!" She yelled, her voice muffled by Lily's jacket, "explain yourself young lady. NOW!!"

Steve pride Kita off of Lily and carried her over to the couch as everyone sat down, the blonde pulling Lily along as she refused to let go of her friends hand.

"Okay well first, tell me what's happened here" Lily insisted, "where's Luna and Loki and why does Tony look like he wants to murder me?"

"Nah-uh g-man. My house, my rules. You first" Tony stepped out of his suit, keeping the gloves on just incase.

"Um so, after the explosion I was on my way home and I ran into an old friend, Drew Garvey" the man smiled stifly at everyone and waved uncomfortably, "we used to know eachother way back in the day and since I hadn't fully recovered yet, I decided to spend the month at his family's farm out west and take a break from everything. I'm sorry I didnt keep in touch much, but they're very into living off the earth and staying off grid so I did it out of respect to them. I really wanted you all to meet Drew since we've started dating, and I hope it'll be okay if we spend the week here before heading back."

Everyone just blinked in shock as Lilys news settled in.

Sam finally spoke up, "so lemme get this straight.. you dissapeared for an entire month, with little to no communication with the people who are your closest thing to family, just because you met a cute boy and you needed a vacation??" Lily winced slightly at his words.

"Yeah sorry it's been really hectic. Were just gonna be here for the week while I get my things together and then we'll be off again. C'mon darling I'll show you where we'll be staying, I'm assuming my room was left intact?" Kita nodded darkly, as Lily and her boyfriend left the room, Steve and Bucky both shooting death rays with their eyes at the new couple.

"Oh I almost forgot!" Lily turned around with a laugh, "what was that about locking me up Tony?"

"Oh nothing, it's just that we've got orders to arrest you under suspicion for hacking and stealing numerous Sheild files as well as working for Hydra. No big deal we'll discuss that over family dinner tonight have fun you guys!" Tony waved distractedly at the couple, barely looking up from the screens he was typing on.

Bucky turned to Steve, slightly pale"I've seen that guy before Steve. I dont know where but I've got a really bad feeling about this."

Lily and Drew got settled into their room and immediately locked the doors. Trying not to arouse anyones suspicions, they began packing boxes as they talked.

"Drew, did you hear what that man said about my being a theif?" Lily asked as she wrapped some of her old records in newspaper.

"Yeah I did. Don't worry about it though, we've got people everywhere. None of those charges will stick to you as long as we've got a say in it."

"Right right how could I have ever doubted HQ. You've been so good to me. You and Irene, how can I ever repay you for all you've done?" Lily paused for a minute and looked at her "boyfriend" lovingly.

"You just keep up this act for a few more days and soon we'll be outta here for good." Andrew Grant smiled down at his padawan. Despite her being under mind control, he really could get used to her being so sweet and caring towards him all the time. It really was a delightful change from the usually resentful and arrogant attidute he would get from Marksman.

Andrew cleared his throat, "Right so, the plan."


Been wanting to use this pic for a longgggg time now lol

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Been wanting to use this pic for a longgggg time now lol

Wow 2 updates in the same day? You guys are so spoiled!!

- Gryffin ❤

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