Chapter 19

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Everyone was extra silent during the meeting. It was just a routine search and extraction mission with some ambassador who had been taken hostage.

Steve was hardly listening, as much as he tried, he couldn't get his mind off of Lily. She was out there somewhere, and he had to find her.

"-Captain Rogers!"

Steve's mind snapped back to reality as a very angry Nick Fury leaned on the table, eyes searing a hole through Steve's head. "Yes sir, sorry continue?"

"I was asking if you had any recommendations for who should be sent on the mission."

"Oh *ahem* um...I think the standard team should be fine, Nat, Clint, and Rhodey, led by Stark of course" Steve fumbled, hoping he had made the right call. It really wasnt like him to be this absent minded, but then again it wasn't every day his closest friends went behind his back and almost got themselves killed. He shot a hurt look at Bucky who still seemed to be in his own world.

-Somewhere in Delaware-

Lily took another sip of the complimentary coffee and continued to furiously type away on the public library's computer, trying to ignore the judgement glare from the 60 yearold librarian at the front desk. After having spent the night in a tree, she didn't exactly look professional in her ripped bouse and bloodied skirt.

Although the old computer was very slow, Lily had managed to login to her emails and type a quick message to Kita to ensure everyone that she was safe, along with her general coordinates and to  request that they bring a fresh change of clothes for her.

- Avenger's Tower -

"Alright here you go, just like mom used to make!" Kita smiled sarcastically as she plopped 2 containers of instant kraft mac n cheese infront of the spiderling and Luna who dove in hungrily.

Kita felt her pocket vibrate just as Jarvis turned on the tv screen, "I believe I have an incoming message from Miss Haywood, would you like me to summon everyone to the lounge Miss Kita?"

"Yeah thatd be great Jarvis" Kita and Peter exchanged a hopeful look as the others hurried into the room.

"Jarvis said you found Lily?" A worried Steve crashed into the room, closley followed by Bucky and the others.

"Why dont you take a look, Capsicle" Kita laughed and flicked the image from her phone to the larger hologram screen as she showed them the email that was sent to the Tower just 10 minutes ago.


It's Brittany Bitch

Ha y'all really thought you could get rid of me that easily? Well think again losers I'm alive and I have snacks with meee! I would send a selfie but this 80's relic of a library computer doeth not have a camera :((

(RIP to the coffee maker I tried to save.. you shall be missed)

Anywho, my coordinates are below, along with a google maps link to the nearest Starbucks where I shall be awaiting your imminent arrival.

- your favorite idiot 😘

They couldn't help but laugh as they read your email. "Alright I've already got the place on my radar, anyone coming with me to get her?" Tony hopped off the couch and looked around the room. Steve, Bucky and Nat immediately hopped up, Kita glanced at Loki and declined, someone had to stay with Luna.

Bucky nudged Steve's shoulder and the blond playfully ruffled his hair. Apparently the two had finally made up. Just as they were about to head out the door, Kita called them back into the room, panic in her voice.

"Hey guys? Lily somehow just updated her Twitter feed"

The group crowded around the girl as she showed them her phone.

"That  awkward moment when you could easily fake your death (for the third time) but you know it would break Ironmans heart #tonystark #youknowyouloveme #IHackedJarvis #beatthat"
-sent from stark tower

"Aren't all national anthems are technically country music?"  -sent from my iPhone

"When life gives ya lemons, you squeeze them into  your friend's body wash after he comes home wounded from a mission #sorrytony #petermademedoit"
-sent from my Nokia

"Lokita is a thing I REPEAT LOKITA IS A THING!! #IshipIt #godofmischeif #myfuturebrotherinlawisimmortal "
- sent from my smart fridge 

Kita blushed as the last one flashed on screen and  scrolled though several more snarky tweets, until she landed at your most recent one.

"Oh my lord 3 scary Hydra agents just came INTO STARBUCKS MOM, @Iamtonystark COME PICK ME UP IM SCARE- "
-sent from my google phone

Attached the last tweet were several selfies of Lily sitting next to a curly haired stranger, with several darkly dressed men in suits watching her in the background. Her smile and the boy's looked genuine but they could see the fear behind her eyes.

"Who's that guy?" Steve jabbed a finger at the unknown boy with his arm around Lily.

"More importantly," Peter spoke up, "who the heck owns a google phone??"

Everyone else was frozen in place as the reality of her tweet set in.

Hydra had Lily.

Bucky chuckled to himself as Tony enlarged the photos, trying to get clues. Lily had probably flirted her way into using that poor naive kid's phone, he knew full well how effective her puppy dog eyes could be if a guy wasn't careful. His mind drifted back to a certain memory where he wasn't so careful and had ended up taking twin fouryearolds trick or treating while Lily dragged Steve into a haunted house.

If there was one thing Captain Americq was terrified of, it was ghosts.


-Lily's POV-

Soemthing... was poking you in the back..again. You blinked sleepily around as the room around you came into focus. The fluorescent lights flickered above, revealing 3 cement walls, one glass with a door in it, and a single chair in the centre which you were currently strapped down in.

No.. no no no no not here. Anywhere but here.

The doors opened and a man who you immediately recognized as Andrew Grant walked inside, pulled up a chair and sat across from you, an artificially friendly smile on his face.

"Welcome back, my dear Marksmen"


Oooooo looks like we goin places today my little  crumpets!

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Oooooo looks like we goin places today my little  crumpets!

Not entirely sure where this book is going yet but If you've got any suggestions or wanna see any character interactions my messages are always open!!

Love you babes!!

-Gryffin  Lestrade 🥰💕

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