Chapter 21

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- Avengers Tower, 2 days later -

Kita softly pressed the keys of the grand piano infront of her, the sounds of Claire de Lune drifting through the tower as a little Luna nodded sleepily on the beanbag near the window. Ever since Lily's odd phonecall 2 days ago, everyone had been an absolute ball of nerves. The others had decided it was best if she and Luna stayed at the tower under the avengers protection until things had been sorted out. Last thing anyone needed was for Hydra to have Kita as well. Despite Lily's constant reassurance, Bucky and Steve were confident that Hydra was responsible.

Kita didn't know what to think, her friend had always been impulsive since day one, stupid girl always rushing in head first with absolutely no regard for her own safety. She knew Lily could take care of herself though, and if she needed to get in touch again, she would always find a way.

As the final notes of Claire de Lune faded away, Kita felt a warm pair of arms encircle her waist. She sighed and leaned her head back against Loki's chest as he planted a warm kiss on her forehead.

"That was lovely my dear, would you please play soemthing for me?" He sat down next to her on the piano bench, his arm still around her waist. Kita scooted closer to him and wordlessly began striking the notes to Blue Danube. Although she kept her eyes on the keys infront of her, she could feel his eyes on her, studying her every feature with admiration. She felt a slight blush creep up her cheeks as she played.

"Is this what you call a waltz?" He asked curiously.

Kita smiled, "Mmhm! its the Blue Danube"

"Here I want to try something," and with a flick of his hands, a green mist fell over the instrument as the keys continued to play the song by themselves. Loki smiled and took Kita's hand in his, guiding her to the middle of the large room, now pink as the setting sun shone through the large windows overlooking New York city.

They waltzed around the room gracefully, Kita in her oversized hoodie and Loki in his usual green  long sleeved T and black jeans. She felt as if she was flying through the air as he led her effortlessly in the dance, the piano still playing enthusiastically in the background.

Kita closed her eyes and imagined herself in a Disney princess style ballgown as she danced with her prince in the empty room. She could almost feel the silk swishing around her ankles..wait.. there really was silk swishing around her ankles. The girl opened her eyes in shock as the room around her changed into a candle lit ballroom, complete with her prince and the very ballgown she had imagined just a moment ago.

"Loki wha-"

He pulled her closer as the music slowed, "you forget I can read minds, my dear" he muttered softly into her hair with a chuckle. They continued to sway together in the golden illusion long after the music had subsided, both basking in their  own special moment in each others embrace. Alone and away from the cares of the world outside.



"I should probably go put Luna to bed and check on the others"

The asguardian sighed reluctantly, "Kitten..."

"We can't stay here forever, as much as I'd love to" she cupped a hand on his face and looked into his eyes, noticing a flicker in them as if an idea just popped into his head.

"Why not?" He grasped her hand fervently, "come with me back to asguard, Kita. Thor and I leave in a few days and I don't think I could stand to be apart from you again."

The girl paused for a moment, her eyes drifting back to the slumbering Luna who was now dressed in a small green gown of her own thanks to Loki's illusion. The green god noticed her glance and quickly added, "we can take sweet Luna as well, I know the change in scenery would do her good, and mother would just adore having a little one around the castle again."

"Kita..? Its okay of you'd rather not, I'm sorry I brought this upon you so suddenl-" his words were cut off as she stood on her tiptoes and their lips met, "theres nothing I would love more" she breathed. A smile beamed across Loki's face as he returned the kiss, sweeping her off her feet and spinning her around with a laugh.

"Wow guys should we be expecting a save the date anytime soon?"

Loki and Kita looked up with a flush as Tony walked into the room, shoving the last bit of a sandwich in his mouth. The blonde cleared her throat and motioned for the stunned Loki to put her down.

"Sorry to interrupt, I just needed to grab my sunglasses" the billionaire walked over to the bar in the corner and searched the countertops.

"Actually Tony, I'm going to asguard with the guys in a few days and I was wondering if it'd be okay if I took Lune with me" Kita spoke as she carefully picked up the sleeping girl in her arms. Luna stirred slightly and wrapped a sleepy arm around the girls thin shoulders without opening her eyes. They had grown very attached in the last few days, and it was rare for someone to see Kita without her little shadow following close behind.

"Yeah should be fine", Tony opened the fridge and  grabbed the sunglasses in question, not bothering to explain to the lovebirds how they had gotten in there, "at the end of the day, its Shadow's choice not mine. I'll keep you updated on the whole G-man situation while you're gone by the way."

"Thanks Tony, appreciate it"

He simply shrugged and walked out of the room just as quickly as he had entered. The couple smiled at his new nickname for the sleeping bundle in Kita's arms.



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Just a fluffy fluff chapter for my favorite crumpets. Yall deserve it after what I've put you though lol

- a very merciful Gryffin 💕

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