Chapter 22

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"So let me get this straight," A terrifyingly calm Nick Fury placed both hands on the conference room table, leaning forward and looking around the room, "Lillian Howard, known as Hydra's  Marksman, the same woman who has broken into our system and stolen countless files and is on the top 100 most wanted agents by both Hydra and mean to sit there looking all pretty and tell me that not only have you been in contact with her, but she's been living in this very tower AND OPPERATING FOR THE LAST MONTH?!"

the room went dead silent in response, no one wanting to infuryate (ha ha pun sooo intended) him any more.

"Rogers!" The poor man sat up straight as the director barked at him. "Yes sir?"

"Please tell me you're at least keeping tabs on this wanted criminal" he sighed and rubbed his temples. Steve swallowed hard and looked at Tony for help.

"Yeah we have a general idea of where she is, I took the precaution of placing a tracker in her phone the day she got here" Tony casually twirled his sunglasses around in his hands as he answered the director. The others looked at the billionaire incredulously. "What? she said she didn't want to be tracked"

"And where is she at the moment, Stark?"

Tony pushed some buttons on one of the screens hovering infront of him, cleared his throat and sat back down with a mumble.

"What was that?"

"...I said she's in this room..." Tony rubbed his templea and quickly searched around the room,  pulling something from under the table. Lily's tracker sat in Starks hand,  its little lights still innocently blinking as if it was trying to do its job.

The sheild director sighed and began to walk out of the room. "Just find her. And Fast"

*Time Skip!!*
- Hydra Intelligence HQ-

Children frolicked in the open meadows happily laughing as they played together, their parents were finally dead and along with them, everyone who stood in the way of peace.

Peace and protection reigned supreme throughout the now silent world. As long as they had control, there would be no suffering in the collective.

As yet another beautiful dream came to a close, Lily opened her eyes and rolled over in the large bed, snuggled deep in the lush aqua colored comforter.

7:30 am. Time to start another wonderful day.

She took one last blissful moment to savor her amazingly comfortable bed before hopping out and getting dressed for the day. Irene had been kind enough to give her the night and let her think over her decision.

As she prepared for yet another day running lab tests with Grant, her thoughts drifted back to how much her first night in the HQ contrasted to her current life.

She remembered how stressful that first night had been, tossing and turning, constantly wondering if they were going to come in and awaken the marksmen. Soon, the light music playing from somewhere in her room had lulled her into a deep sleep, finding comfort in the lullabies and soft voices that constantly played in her rooms.

"The music was specially developed  by one of our people to help reduce nightmares and relapses caused by severe trauma" Irene had explained to the girl, and true to her word, Lily's nightmares had diminished drastically since her arrival at HQ.

The next morning she had woken up more refreshed than ever, and with a strong sense of resolve that even she couldnt fully explain, Lily had accepted Irene's offer.

After all, how could she pass up this wonderful opportunity?

The young woman glanced down at her ringing phone and quickly turned it to do not disturb. Even though Irene had made it perfectly clear that she was allowed to keep in touch with her old friends at the compound, it made her somehow  uncomfortable to talk to them now. Felt almost like a chore.

They would never understand her thinking now... not when she had the truth and they were all still stuck in the past.. even Lily couldn't fully understand it. All she knew was that somewhere deep inside, her heart now belonged to Hydra.


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Hello my smol beans! The song I've linked above is basically going to represent the music that our dear little traitor will be hearing during her time at HQ

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Hello my smol beans! The song I've linked above is basically going to represent the music that our dear little traitor will be hearing during her time at HQ.

Also Happy 4th of July from the star spangled man with a plan himself!!

Mark Ruffalo is too pure for this earth

- gryff 🥰

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