Chapter 28

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"Alright guys." Steve stood up in the quinjet parked about 5 miles from the base. When we go in there we have one goal and one goal only. Get Lily back. You have 10 minutes to get into position before we start phase one. Remember if you have any questions, contact Bucky or Kita theyll be on the line guiding everyone once we're inside the facility" the two nodded and sat down at their station, radios and maps in hand along with a mess of screens all hooked up to the team's body cams. Cap couldn't risk either of the other super soldiers being triggered like last time, so their main job on this mission was to guid everyone from the jet. Steve continued, "she's in there somewhere guys. All we can do now is-" Steve's pre-mission pep talk was interrupted by his phone ringing.

Hey I just met ya
And this is craazy

But here's my number!
So call me maybe

The other avengers looked at him with confusion while Peter and Clint snickered.

"Still don't know how to change it back, Rogers?" Tony joked. Lily and Peter had messed with Steve's phone and changed his ringtone when she had first arrived and he didn't want to admit he kind of liked the catchy song.

"I'm workin on it" he rolled his eyes and checked the caller ID, his face immediately went pale as he put her on speaker phone.


"Steve its me!! Hydra's got me and I need your help please come get me please!!"

"Hang on we're coming just don't let-" a loud screeching sound came from the other end of the phone, followed by Lily's screams and then, silence. Someone had disconnected their call.

Kita's eyes teared up and Bucky put a reassuring arm around the young girls shoulders. Everyone grew solemn, now more than ever determined to take out Hydra once and for all.

Steve picked up his sheild and set it on his back with resolve, his jaw clenched and eyes in game mode.

"Let's go"

Nat and Steve headed inside the building walking right thought through the front doors. Both had the typical business attire of all Hydra agents complete with Nat in a wig and Steve in a mustache and sunglasses. Peter had insisted he wear aviators to "complete the mall cop look" or something.

"Alright heading towards - hail hydra- heading towards elevator now" Nat mumbled through the comms as they both stepped into the elevator and Steve pushed the button with a three on it.

"In position and waiting for green light!" Clint's voice chimed in. He and Sam were situated in a building opposite the main entrance. Wanda and Bruce were waiting near the back exit of the building, ready to make their way onto the roof when Cap gave the command. The plan was to try to find Lily or get as close as possible to her, and then order the attack from outside while Steve and Nat got the girl. Nobody wanted to risk her having a relapse while the base was being ambushed. As soon as everyone was in place and along with guidance from Bucky and Kita, Steve and Nat were able to find the floor where Lily was supposed to be kept. It was a well lit, long corridor with several doors on theft opposite the lavish floor to ceiling windows that overlooked the trees behind the facility. If they hadn't known any better, it would have looked like any other office. Besides for the Hydra symbols on the doors, and the bloody smears on the walls that is. The while floor had an eerie silence to it as the duo entered.

"Looks like this floor was pretty off limits for most agents" Nat muttered, scanning for any possible signs of life.

Steve and Nat drew their weapons and carefully followed the trail of dead agents and blood to the door labeled Lily Haywood. Apparently they weren't too concerned with the Marksman this time. Cap carefully pushed open the door and gasped at what greeted the two.

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