Chapter 17

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"Hail Hydra"

Lily and Bucky scaned their fake security badges at the entrance to the base and walked past the first layer of guards.

"Hail Hydra"

Dressed in a dark pencil skirt and a white blouse, you looked like any other tech intern. You couldn't help but smile at how good Bucky looked in his Hydra standard issue suit.

"Woah there focus on the mission love"

Kitas voice rang through the comms as if reading your thoughts. She was ready stationed in the second floor break room and was waiting for your signal.

"Hail Hydra"

You adjust your thigh holsters and knife hidden in your french twist as you make your way down the halls and arrive at your destination. Bucky got into place guarding the door to the central computer lab and you stepped inside.

"Hail Hydra"

You sit down at one of the desktops in a room full of computers. Subtly inserting a flash drive, you immediately scan the monitor and begin upload your virus.

"15 seconds to load"

the screen read. Perfect.

"Hail Hydra"

"Okay guys, stage 2 is in motion" You spoke into the comms, that meant you all had exactly 8 and a half minutes before your security clearance badges would fail, and 15 minutes before the weapons lab would self detonate.

"Hail Hydra"

Bucky followed you down another hallway as you both scanned for any hostages.

"4 minutes guys"  Kita's voice hummed, you could hear her footsteps as she made her way to your meeting place.

Most of the holding cells were empty since this was mainly an intelligence center. Lily was about to leave that room when something caught the corner of her eye. She turned to see nothing but a stuffed animal bunny floating in mid-air, but the sounds of sniffling coming from the bunny were enough for Lily to realize what she was dealing with.

"Hey Buck we've got something" she calmly said into the comms and walked towards the hovering  stuffed animal. Its body contorted as if being clutched tight by an unknown force.

"Hey there, you don't know us but me and my friend came here to rescue you. I promise we're here to help." Lily reached out her hand as the bunny moved closer. Slowly a little pair of arms appeared around the bunny, followed by the rest of the little girl. Bucky gasped softly at the little enhanced, but didnt say anything that would startle her.

Lily rambled on as the girl scooted closer, "Did you know that I used to be kept here too? My names Lily, that's my friend Bucky and I have another friend waiting outside to take us all away from here, would you like that?"

The little girl nodded shyly, her pigtails bouncing , and grabbed Lily's hand with a timid smile.

"Uhh guys? You've got incoming and the place is gonna blow in like 10 minutes.. you need me to come in there?" You could almost read the excitment in Kita's voice, she was probably just dying to rip apart some Hydra agents. 

"Yeah Kit we're comin now, meet you at the exit, we've got a new friend for you to meet too!" Bucky replied as the little girl hopped on Lily's back.

Just then the lights began flashing red as a robotic voice announced over the speakers. "Intruder Alert. Base has been compromised. All personnel to their stations until further notice."

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