Chapter 10

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"You have failed!" You winced as your supervisor's hand made contact across your face. Blinking sleepily you looked around the spinning room, the florescent lights flickering in the familiar underground cell you were currently being held in. The man paced back and forth infront of you, not seeming to care as you struggled against the metal cuffs that held you to the chair.

"Escapeing is useless, Marksman. You will learn this in time though and you will always end up breaking, just like Winter." The screams of your partner echoed in the distance as they wiped his mind again after your mission. There was no room for error in your line of work and you knew that better than anyone.

"You will always break and we will always find you. There is no escape for you or your friends"

Suddenly, your arms were freed and you fell with a scream, plummeting, plummeting plummeting as the some of the words echoed through your mind.


"Red "

You fell further  through the darkness .

"Courage "

You fought against your own mind as you felt yourself slipping.




And then ... Darkness.

You woke up suddenly in a cold sweat. Mind racing and thoughts all jumbled as different languages swarmed through your head. The sleeping blond soldier next to you muttered something in his sleep as you carefully eased out of his arms, walked mindlessly out of the room and headed down the hall. Barely recognizing your surroundings, you knew you needed to clear your mind as you reached for the one piece of familiarity in the room and cocked the pistol.


"Sir, there is unauthorized activity in the firing range" Tony bolted upright as Jarvis' voice echoed through the room.

"Alert the others"

Tony ran down the hall, his suit flying behind and attaching to him as he hopped into the elevator. A few floors down, Nat joined him, followed closely by Steve, Bucky, and the rest.

Steve looked around the now crowded elevator, "Has anyone seen Lily!? She wasn't with us when we woke up" the others shook their heads in concern.

"Oh shit... she's having another episode "

Everyone turned to a wide-eyed looking Kita who bolted ahead of everyone as the doors opened. In the distance they could hear shouting in Russian followed by loud crashes. Another round of shots was fired into the ceiling as the team carefully opened the door. Steve tried calling to you cautiously. "Lily! Its us!!"

Lily Haywood whipped around, her gun drawn and looked up at them with a quizzical expression before her eyes landed on Bucky.

"отчет о миссии, зима " - mission report, winter

Bucky's face went pale at your words, but remained calm. She studied his face and marched up to him, shooting a warning shot over the others heads when they moved to protect him. The winter soldier maintained eye contact and walked closer to Lily until her outstretched gun was touched his chest.

He spoke to you in low tones as Wanda snuck up behind you and began to probe around in your mind. Your eyes grew heavy as your brain began to cloud once more. They almost had you neutralized when you jumped around and shot Wanda in the shoulder. With a scream she fell to the ground in pain. You turned back around to face Bucky again just in time to see a metal fist flying right at your face before everything went black.


Ahhh sorry for such a short chapter but apparently  SoMeBoDy  (Eva) couldn't wait any longer to read my update -_-

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Ahhh sorry for such a short chapter but apparently  SoMeBoDy  (Eva) couldn't wait any longer to read my update -_-

*perturbed gryffin noises*

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