Chapter 26

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As soon as Lily had left the table, Wanda spoke up, "yeah she's definitely not in her right mind. I looked into her head again.."

"If only Loki were here, maybe he could use his magic and help snap her out of it" Kita furrowed her brow with worry. During their stay in Asguard, Frigga had taken Luna under her wings, and even offered to adopt the girl.  Everyone had agreed it was best if the little girl stayed behind and grew up under the loving womans guidance, and Loki  had stayed behind in Asguard to help Luna get settled in.

Tony finished off the last of his drink and stood up from the dinner table , muttering something about needing to work on something.

The next morning dawned bright and beautiful like any other. Everyone was either sitting in the lounge relaxing after breakfast, training in the gym or working in the lab if you happen to be Tony.

"-I'll give Fury a call and then we'll be on our way"

Steve, Bucky and Sam came back from their morning run just in time to hear the end of Tony's little speech.

"Oh hey boys just in time looks like your little g-man robbed us last night" Tony's phone cast a hovering blue screen displaying a list of all the prototypes and files that were taken from his office last night.

Steve looked at the list intently as Bucky spoke up, "Wait isn't she still here?"

"No she left this morning while you were out on a run. Don't worry though, I sent her off myself and promised to tell you goodbye for her. She sends her love," The millionaire stated flatly while dialing the director of Sheild, "if she's working with Hydra like manchurian candidate said earlier, we'll need all the backup we can get."

"This better be good, Stark"

Tony put the phone on speaker, "yeah it is. So good news is, we found Haywood. She's got a boyfriend now, lovely guy really, you can probably expect a save the date by next week"

"What's the bad news"

"She's gone again. Left this morning."

Nick sighed.

"Oh and by the way," Tony continued, "incedently over 300 prototypes and files from my lab are now missing. Totally unrelated I'm sure. Anyways, we were just wondering if there was any chance we could get some backup and go arrest Miss Haywood for playing with my toys " the others could tell Tony was pissed off. 

"Look I wish I could help you I really could. The charges for Lily Haywood were dropped this morning due to lack of evidence. Our databases got wiped clean and the witnesses can't remember a thing so my hands are tied. We're currently trying to put together a case but without proof we cant do anything." Nat and Steve exchanged a look, Hydra.

Nick continued, "do not. I repeat, DO NOT go after her. Just sit tight until I can get another warrant."

Steve opened his mouth but the director cut him off, "that's an order, Captain." He hung up before anyone else could protest.

"Oh well, looks like we're doing this the old fashioned way" Tony pocketed his phone and began pulling up different screens on his computer.

Steve put a hand on Starks shoulder, "Tony, you heard Fury. We can't do anything until Sheild has enough evidence. Besides, we dont even know where she is right now"

"she came, I was robbed, and she left. That's all the evidence I need Cap, and lucky for you guys, I havent exactly been sitting on my ass all day" Tony flipped the computer around and showed them a map of Newyork with a little blinking dot traveling northwest of the Tower.

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