Chapter 13

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Lily's recovery was slow to say the least. She didn't speak much at all for a few days and hardly ate anything. Steve visited often to check on her since he seemed to be the only person who really seemed to bring her out of her little trance.

It was quite adorable how he would curl up on her bed and just talk and laugh with her for hours, watching movies and giggling about Nat and Bruce's blooming romance. It warmed Steve's heart beyond words to see how animated Lily had become around him at least. He couldn't remember the last time he had seen her with a smile that genuine, it felt almost as if they were back in highschool all over again.

When she had first woken up, she hardly seemed to recognize anyone and Bruce had warned everything that her memory might have been permanently reset back to the 40's since that's where she woke up.

That wasn't the case however, and soon she began to carry on and talk to her friends as if nothing had happened.

After four days, Lily finally was able to convince Steve to let her get back to her normal life. The super soldier was worried she needed more rest but she and the others had assured him that she would take it easy.

She soon fell into a new routine of training in the morning with Kita before breakfast, and the two could often be seen giggling together during meals, sneaking glances at either a certain blond super soldier or god of mischief, depending on who was currently blushing more at the moment.

Bucky didn't know how to feel about the sudden change in interest. It had felt as if over night, he was right back to square one with you.

"Almost like we're back in highschool" Steve's words echoed in Buckys mind. You never seemed to fully go back to your old self after that episode, something was different.

The glint of recognition in your eyes when you saw Bucky was...different. Still warm and friendly as ever but just...different. He couldn't quite put his finger on it.

That night at dinner, Lily was extra quite. She hardly ate any of her food, and mumbled an excuse before going off to bed early.

Steve gave the others a questioning glance before Nat shooed him off to go see what was up.

"Hey dynamite, wait up!"

The girl turned to him with watery eyes. "Steve.. I-I can't do this." She choked out before collapsing into sobs. Her friend quickly pulled her into her room and wrapped his arms around her, letting her cry for as long as she needed.

After a few minutes he spoke up in a calm tone, "are your memories coming back more?" She nodded tearfully in response, another sob escaping her as her eyes met his dark blue ones.

In between her crying, Steve could distinguish a few words .

"I...I'm a monster"

Immediately his eyes lit up with realization. He looked down at the crying girl in his arms. The girl he had loved since highschool, and his heart shattered.

Lily's POV
-1 hour earlier-

Since you had woken up, your mind had been quite foggy. You recognized the people around you as the Avenegers and your friends, you knew your way around the advanced tech of the tower and you even started to train again. The only problem was, you couldnt remember how you had learned everything. You were going completely by instinct. You groan and roll over in bed, not wanted to get up from your nap.

Kita had pushed you extra hard that morning and your muscles ached all over. At the memory of the tiny blonde screaming for you to run an extra mile, a smile crept over your face.

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